Blockchain multiparty network ecosystems advices today from Mary Ann Holder

Meet MaryAnn Holder-Browne and some of her hybrid blockchain-enabled networks achievements: What are you working on today at One Network? Well, it’s good that you asked. We were working on a lot of great initiatives for 2019, especially around AI. We’re looking at how artificial intelligence is impacting the supply chain and how our solution can really help companies to better their supply chain and their relationships with their supplier networks. What do you think are some of the like top-line challenges for marketers for chief marketing officers or maybe even their suppliers? We are working on personalization. Really getting that right tailored content to our individual buyers and the community that surrounds them. When you think about a network, every buyer comes with their own network and a set of influencers that need to be messaged to accordingly. We have to really figure out what that message is and hone in on it and deliver it in a really personal way that it’s not canned or automated. There is a challenge in identifying the right technologies to help us do that. Then, also, the right types of content. Read additional details on MaryAnn Holder.

MaryAnn Holder is Chief Marketing Officer at One Network Enterprises, a provider of the blockchain-enabled network platform, The Real Time Value Network. Back in 2002, Greg Brady, a supply chain visionary and Ranjit Notani a pioneer in multi-enterprise collaboration technology came to the conclusion that the traditional paradigm of business-to-business collaboration built around enterprise-centric software was fundamentally flawed. Businesses must take an outside-in network view and together serve the end consumer. In May 2003, they acquired Elogex, a cloud-based logistics software company, and founded One Network Enterprises with a vision to create consumer-driven business networks. They developed a network platform that enabled entire business communities to collaborate and work together to serve the consumer. Brady and Notani brought the network way of conducting business just as LinkedIn did so to managing professional contacts. They re-imagined how business software is built, delivered, and used for today’s dynamic and highly inter-connected world.

Multiparty networks have all the key elements missing from blockchain 1.0, including: Scalability – using a scalable grid architecture, multiparty network support tens of thousands of trading partners and the transaction volume that entails. Confidentiality – because they are built using multiparty permissions frameworks with granular and role-based permissions to ensure secure data access. Functionality – by providing powerful, multiparty apps such as logistics management that run on the network and write to a blockchain. Community Master Data Management (MDM) – that manages and synchronizes data across different systems and parties to ensure data is trusted. Combined, these features enable powerful functionality that can support all parties, including buyers, sellers, fulfillment, and logistics partners via a shared app. This allows all parties to transact while showing only the relevant authorized slice of the data to each partner.

MaryAnn Holder-Browne about One Network’s Intelligent Control Tower: Supply Chain Control Towers play an essential role in helping businesses successfully make the transition from siloed legacy systems to a collaborative, resilient, real-time digital business network. From visibility and alerting to prescriptive decision support to full AI-based automation, control towers can optimize more widely, precisely, and efficiently than any other technology. This report explains the success factors for an effective control tower strategy and provides a Capabilities Checklist of essential requirements. Discover even more information at MaryAnn Holder-Browne.

In this Technology Value Matrix, Nucleus evaluates solutions that help organizations find the right balance between inventory and service levels while minimizing costs. This is important because the demand for solutions that enable organizations to plan around balancing service delivery with stocking levels is becoming more pronounced as the competitive landscape and shifts in consumer behavior present new challenges. Using One Network, customers can onboard their trading partners, giving two-way visibility to inventory levels, ability to serve, and forecasts. MaryAnn Holder-Browne, Chief Marketing Officer of One Network: “We are thrilled to once again be recognized by Nucleus Research”.

The ONE Platform supports a variety of multi-tenancy models such as classic multi-tenant as well as network multi-tenant and is credited by customers for delivering rapid results at half the cost of traditional technology approaches. Leveraging AI and Blockchain, the multi-party digital network has more than 60,000 businesses onboarded globally and is the largest business operating network worldwide. “As the largest supply chain network in the world, we are thrilled to be named a Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant and to see them emphasize the importance of multienterprise solutions and their impact on the modern supply chain,” said MaryAnn Holder, Chief Marketing Officer, One Network. “With a vast number of retailers, distributors, manufacturers, carriers and third-party logistics providers onboarded, the RTVN offers a disruptive technology and business model that enables our community to slash inventory, improve service levels, and speed up the supply chain in order to outpace the competition.”