Get Your Dirty On, and Get an Unplugged “Altitude” Adjustment with Dirty freedom adventures!
We folks here at Dirty Freedom Adventures know about stress. That is, we know about how to help you learn to control it so it doesn’t control you. Read on…
Astute managers and owners know about the problems stress causes their employees, including loss of productivity, poor morale, job dissatisfaction, and turnover. In response to this phenomenon, many companies have taken a proactive approach, recognizing that part of the problem is that PEOPLE DON’T TAKE TIME OFF ANYMORE, and when they do, they’re plugged into their smartphone the whole time, continuing to work while they’re supposed to be relaxing and recharging their inner batteries. A law firm I worked for a few years ago developed a very smart policy requiring each attorney to take at least one week off per year–UNPLUGGED AND AWAY FROM THEIR DAMNED CELL PHONES. The reason? The attorneys returned from their “vacations” just as stressed out (if not more) as they were before they left. And most firms I’ve worked for hosted out-of-town retreats at least once a year.

You need to plan your next retreat (or some sort of team building function) in Tanzania. Listen up!
First, I know you guys are stressed out. Don’t lie. I can feel your stress from here in Africa! You need a quality vacation a long way from home where you can truly unplug and have the experience of a lifetime. Like it or not, you WILL unplug on Kilimanjaro, ’cause there isn’t any real cell service. Yeah, you can eke out a bar or two occasionally, but generally speaking, you are off the grid.
Second, any person with determination and a generally good health can handle Kilimanjaro. If I can do it, believe me–anyone can. (Of course, you will need to check with your physician before planning a trip.) And if anyone is worried about the climb being difficult, he or she is correct. However, it is only difficult because of the high altitude. But you acclimate to that as you climb over the 7-8 day trek. And reaching the summit is the experience of a lifetime. It is not a technical climb. No experience is required. Just some good physical and mental training. We will help you prepare so by time you reach your gate, you are good to go. That’s what we are all about. We are into mindfulness, mediation, and just basic self-care, all of which will make your trek that much better.
I know that many groups come to Kilimanjaro each year to bond, team build, and just to have a good time and accomplish something really big. You could even advertise your Kilimanjaro experience on your firm website. How cool would that be?!? People would enjoy reading about that.
Also, I and most of my colleagues belong to industry groups, such as the American Bar Association. Why not plan an industry group function, either with your business associates or even with your clients? Can you imagine a more exhilarating experience than summiting Kilimanjaro together? I think not.
The Lion King in High Def
The experience of Kilimanjaro isn’t just for work. Imagine having your next family reunion in Tanzania! The best part is that no one will be lost in cyberspace because of the aforementioned lack of cellular service. You’re just going to have to talk to each other. (Perish the thought!) Seriously, it’s a great way to reconnect with your family members from near and far. You will have a great time and leave with a stronger bond than ever. Watching The Lion King as a family is certainly a great idea, but take it to the next step, and come see REAL LIONS, up close and personal, in Tanzania.
Don’t Forget About Simba . . . .
Speaking of lions. . . .
After climbing Kilimanjaro or Meru, I highly recommend a minimum 4-day safari in the Serengeti. It is the best reward for climbing the mountain. AND it’s great for those who may not want to climb. They can fly in a little later than the rest, or they can arrive in Arusha at the same time as the climbers, and we can arrange other diversions while they wait. If four days is too little or too much, we can arrange anything from day trips to a few weeks. Just tell us what you want, and we’ll figure out how to make it happen.
So, give this some thought. And please, don’t put it off. If it is beyond your company budget, you can still find interested folks who can team up and travel here as representatives of your company, on their own nickel. And of course, you can just do a trip on your own with friends and family, and take control of your physical and mental well-being. If you haven’t taken at least a few days off last year unplugged, then you need to fix that. Time stands still for no one. And I hate to break it to you, but “you can’t take it with you.”

If nothing else, please send our website to everyone you know, and encourage them to come experience Tanzania. I so love it here–always sunny and beautiful. We are also on Facebook under Dirty Freedom Adventures, as well as Instagram and Pinterest.
Unplug, recharge, and go onward and upward with Dirty Freedom Adventures! Check us out at
-Badger OUT.