Masonic rings shopping store

Searching for freemason rings but you don’t know where to start. First we will talk a little about freemason rings history and after that we will recommend you the perfect place to purchase them. What is Freemasonry? There are many answers to this question. A common response is “Ask a mason!” But if you don’t know any masons, freemasonry is several different things. It is a lodge, a brotherhood, an organization, a system of conduct, and more. During the Middle Ages, lodges for fraternity members became a popular way for men to form a brotherhood. This gathering spot would lay the foundation for the Freemasonry tradition. The first official lodge to be recognized as a Freemasonry lodge was opened in 1717 in London. Since then the fraternity has covered many corners of the globe and continues to be an important part of community and charitable works.

Freemasonry, a secret society shrouded in esoteric tradition, features many rituals, signs and symbols. The masonic ring is one of the ornaments of freemasonry that features these signs. Wearing the ring of a mason demands a certain etiquette, however. The following is a description of the meaning behind these rings, the rings themselves, and the rules for wearing them.

The Knights Templar ring features a symmetrical cross in the center. This ring signifies freemasonry’s lineage claim to the Knights Templar, who protected Christian crusaders on pilgrimages to the Holy Land. The Scottish Rite ring is a plain band of gold with an equilateral triangle enclosing the Hebrew letter Yud, the initial of a deity. The inside typically reads, “Whom virtue unites, death will not separate.” The Shrine ring displays a sword and a crescent. As there are many variations of freemasonry, there are also many different kinds of rings. These include Blue Lodge, Eastern Star and other branches.

There are several types of garments and ornaments that help the Freemasons set an aura for ceremonial. Basically, there are two types of Masonic regalia — Personally-owned and Lodge-owned. The lodge-owned regalia includes — Masonic Hoodwink, Masonic lodge jewelry, Candidates clothing, Officer’s Apron, Tiler’s sword, the Holy book of Scriptures, and Master’s Gavel. The personally-owned regalia include — gloves, breast jewels, hats, shirts, aprons, rings etc. Each Mason Regalia has its own role, depending on the level of initiation to distinguish the roles of each member within the organization.

Freemasonry is the oldest fraternal organization for men in the world, and its organizational structure shows its age. The basic organizational unit of the fraternity is the lodge. We believe the term comes from the lodges (shelters) constructed at the building sites of cathedrals and castles during the Middle Ages. Masons worked and lived in these shelters. Each lodge is headed by an officer called the “Worshipful Master.” “Worshipful” means “highly respected” or “honored.” The term comes from the judicial system of England and carries no religious implication. “Master” means “leader,” or “best qualified,” as in “Concert Master” or “Master Architect.”

Freemasonry lacks the basic elements of religion: (a) It has no dogma or theology, no wish or means to enforce religious orthodoxy. (b) It offers no sacraments. (c) It does not claim to lead to salvation by works, by secret knowledge, or by any other means. The secrets of Freemasonry are concerned with modes of recognition, not with the means of salvation. is your best choice if you want to purchase masonic rings. It is run by a group of enthusiastic freemasons who decided to combine passion and entrepreneurship.