Buy small size violin Shifen – advices to buy a violin

Professional or master violins, on the other hand, will be constructed from cold-grown and slow-dried wood, hand built and assembled by a master luthier, and finished with high-quality components such as an ebony fingerboard and wooden tailpiece. The excellent materials and refined artistic skill that go into these instruments drive up their value, and make them appropriate instruments for professional and aspiring, advanced musicians.

Speak with violinists (teachers) in your area and the experts at your local violin shop, one that conducts instrument repairs. These craftsmen, called luthiers, are happy to share their expertise about particular instruments and brands. Rather than speaking from a sales standpoint, luthiers and teachers have an abiding love of the instrument and like true enthusiasts, will want to impart their wisdom to beginners. Buy large size violin Lazer

To be honest, you might get lucky and end up with a fairly decent instrument by ordering from an online distributor, or eBay. Nevertheless, you’re likely to end up with more than you bargain for. To begin with, most instruments you order online don’t come ready to play out of the box. You will need to set up the bridge and in some cases even put on the strings. This may sound simple, but in order for a violin to produce optimum sound, the bridge needs to be set very precisely in relation to the sound post. This requires the expertise of a luthier to be done correctly. Often lower end instruments you find online are quite heavy, thereby presenting a challenge for younger students in particular. However, the main reason to avoid buying an instrument online is the fact that you can’t play it before you purchase. You have no idea how it will sound, and more importantly how it will feel when you play it. Even if you purchase a violin with a return policy, you’ll have to pack it up, send it back, order a different violin (again without trying it first) and repeat the process all over again. Save yourself a lot of unnecessary work, frustration and money; go to a shop where you can physically play all the instruments before you buy.

The beginner has two options, either to rent an instrument or make a purchase. While violin rental may be viewed by some as an opportunity to grow acclimated to the instrument, be aware that these are generally lesser-quality instruments that can be extremely frustrating to play upon. The law of diminishing returns applies to rentals, as you begin paying more for a lesser-quality violin that you never will be the owner of; if you rent for more than a year, you may have already paid through the value of the instrument. Some shops will let you apply part of your rental fees towards the purchase of an instrument, but you should always ask about this ahead of time and not count on this being the case.

Price range: Before you start searching for a violin, it’s a good idea to set a budget. Quality violins usually start at around $500, then go up from there depending on the violin brand you choose. Remember, you will most likely have to buy a violin bow and case separately, so be sure to factor that into your budget, as well. By setting a budget, you’ll be able to narrow down your search by weeding out instruments that are not within your price range. For Vietname and South East Asia please check the best online shop for violins : Mua sam truc tuyen violon Viet Nam

Student Violins

In general, a student violin is made from lower-quality wood and involves less hand work. These violins usually have some parts made of plastic, such as the pegs and chin rest. Student violins are great for children who are interested in learning, but are not yet sure if they will play for very long. Prices for student violins can vary from about $100-$400.



You can shop independently: When shopping online, you aren’t bombarded by pushy salespeople trying to sell you the most expensive violin in the store. You can gather recommendations, read reviews, and shop peacefully and independently.
Larger inventory: Typically, online violin stores will have a larger inventory of violin brands to choose from. If one site doesn’t have what you want, chances are you can find another site that does.