Psychology professionals San Francisco, CA from Dr. Lesliegh H. Franklin today

Premium psychology professionals San Francisco from Lesliegh Franklin? Dr. Lesleigh Franklin is a top rated psychologist in Oakland, USA who has been providing supervision, psychotherapy and psychological assessments to children, adolescents and adults for 21 years. If you are wondering if an assessment is appropriate or are interested in obtaining assessment services from me, please contact me. We will begin with a free initial phone consultation where we discuss the presenting problems and whether or not an assessment at this time would be appropriate. I may also want to review previous testing and educational records. If an assessment is indicated, I may schedule an initial interview to gather additional information to inform an assessment plan. For children, I may ask for your permission to observe your child in his / her early intervention or school program. The testing phase where I administer standardized tests or other assessment procedures can involve just one or several appointments, depending on how much testing is needed to answer the questions you have and how well you or your child can engage during the testing sessions. After testing, we will schedule a feedback meeting where we discuss the results, my impressions, and recommendations. I will also provide you with a detailed psychological assessment report that can be shared with others (e.g., schools, primary care provider, psychiatrist). Read even more information at Dr. Lesliegh Franklin.

When indicated, we offer comprehensive testing and evaluation services. Among the types of evaluations we provide are psychological evaluations to help guide appropriate therapeutic intervention; psychological evaluations to determine current psychological functioning for legal or other allied professionals, comprehensive ADHD (ADD) assessment of children, adolescents, and adults; psychoeducational testing and learning disability screening, including Intelligence Testing (IQ) and Achievement Testing; as well as risk assessment for problematic sexual behavior in children and adolescents.

It’s hard to believe that there are people out there who don’t know what depression is. It’s a very real thing and it can be debilitating for those who have it. Depression can range from feeling sad or blue, to having obsessive thoughts about death or suicide, to being unable to get out of bed with no interest in anything. This blog post will cover some causes of depression and how this illness affects a person mentally and physically. Depression can be caused by a number of different factors including genetics. We all have good days and bad days with our moods, but that is not always true for those who suffer from depression. Depression impacts their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, physical health – basically every aspect of life.

Dr. Franklin’s primary area of expertise is in the long-term effects of trauma on an individual’s functioning, as it relates to changes in mood, motivation, achievement and resilience. Dr. Franklin works from a relational therapy perspective and believe therapy is a process by which the patient and the therapist work together towards healing. Meeting you where you are and helping you realize your potential, setting and achieving your goals.

Dr. Franklin has been the Director of the Special Education Assessment Unit for San Francisco City/County Behavioral Health, Clinical Director Lincoln Child Center, and Clinical Director for Iris Children’s Center and Clinical Director for Asian Mental Health Services. Dr. Franklin has also been on the faculty of John F. Kennedy University, California Institute of Integral Studies, and Argosy University San Francisco Bay Area, where she taught in the Counseling Psychology Master’s and Doctoral Clinical and Forensic Psychology programs.