Psychologists Oakland by Dr. Lesliegh Franklin right now

Psychologists Oakland from Lesliegh Franklin today? Dr. Lesleigh Franklin is an excellent psychologist in Oakland, USA who has been providing supervision, psychotherapy and psychological assessments to children, adolescents and adults for 21 years. I specialize in working with diverse populations, including cultural minorities, medically fragile children, and children with severe behavioral difficulties. This population can be difficult to assess because of the special needs involved. My philosophy is that the results of assessments are only as good as the fit of the appropriate expertise, testing instruments, and the comfort level of the person being tested. Often times, children who are actually quite bright get misdiagnosed as being impaired due to inappropriate testing measures or the evaluator not having the experience to accommodate issues that children with special needs present with. I use a variety of tests and diagnostic methods to capture each individual’s profile of strengths and weaknesses. I conduct psychological assessments, neuropsychological assessments, and psychoeducational assessments. Find additional information on Lesliegh Franklin.

Our assessments are integrated into a personalized profile of strengths and weaknesses as well as specific interventions for your child. We feel that is it critical to integrate all aspects of a child’s functioning in order to plan the most appropriate educational and behavioral interventions to ensure success. You may also choose just one or two of the above assessments depending upon the difficulties your child may be experiencing. We will be happy to speak with you regarding your situation and suggest the most appropriate type of evaluation for your needs.

It’s hard to believe that there are people out there who don’t know what depression is. It’s a very real thing and it can be debilitating for those who have it. Depression can range from feeling sad or blue, to having obsessive thoughts about death or suicide, to being unable to get out of bed with no interest in anything. This blog post will cover some causes of depression and how this illness affects a person mentally and physically. Depression can be caused by a number of different factors including genetics. We all have good days and bad days with our moods, but that is not always true for those who suffer from depression. Depression impacts their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, physical health – basically every aspect of life.

Dr. Franklin is a relational therapist and licensed clinical psychologist who has been working with diverse populations for the last 20 years. Dr Franklin is passionate about her work with clients and believes therapy is a process by which the therapist and client work together in overcoming challenges. Meeting you where you are and helping you realize your potential, setting and achieving your goals.

Center for Transformation and Change School Based Services provide Individual and Family school based programs coordinated by Marisol Reyna. They provide individual and family counseling services, Social emotional learning classes, teacher trainings, parent support groups and social skills group to schools communities. We are an Non Public Agency authorized to provide services to IEP students through the state of California. We provide reimbursable services to children with special needs. We provide services in-line with Educational Related Mental Health Services (ERMS) requirements.