Advices for teeth whitening

Do you want white teeths? Here are some teeth whitening tips. Your teeth naturally yellow as you age, but there are some things you can do to prevent stains on your teeth. Coffee, red wine, soda and dark berries are infamous for staining teeth. That doesn’t mean you have to completely avoid them, but you should limit the amount of time these substances are in contact with your teeth. If possible, drink beverages known to stain teeth out of a straw to prevent direct contact with your teeth. Moreover, brush your teeth soon after consuming one of these foods or beverages to limit their effects on the color of your teeth.

Eliminating foods that mark the teeth can prevent further staining. Foods and beverages that contain tannins, such as wine and tea, can stain the teeth. Coffee and dark sodas and juices can also stain them. Acidic foods can make the teeth look yellow by wearing down the enamel. People who are concerned about the color of their teeth should avoid the excessive consumption of citrus, coffee, and soda. Alternatively, they should always brush their teeth after having them. Dentists generally recommend waiting 30 minutes after eating before brushing the teeth. Acids can weaken the enamel, so brushing too soon can cause damage. Quitting smoking or tobacco products can reduce the risk of nicotine stains. It can also prevent tooth decay and gum disease, both of which can damage the enamel and cause oral health issues.

While in-office, light-activated procedures can jumpstart the whitening process, professional take-home kits sold in dental offices work very well to keep your pearly whites, well, pearly, compared to teeth-whitening products found in drug stores. According to Dr. Klein, custom whitening molds can be extremely effective in teeth whitening at home, especially when combined with a light-activated procedure. Or you can skip the pricey procedures and products and try one of these 10 natural teeth whitener remedies at home. Unfortunately, toothpastes that advertise whitening powers don’t stick around long enough to deliver on their promise. “Some have whitening solution in them, but usually they’re not on the teeth long enough to be effective,” Dr. Klein says. And they won’t intrinsically change the internal color of your teeth effectively. Instead, they use abrasive ingredients to remove surface stains from things like cigarette smoke and coffee. Whitening formulas can also make teeth sensitive over time.

Oil pulling is an ancient natural remedy for whiter teeth and a healthier mouth. Oil pulling has its roots in Ayurvedic medicine. It simply uses natural oil to clean and protect your teeth and gums. You can use any oil, but most oil pulling experts suggest coconut oil for the added anti-bacterial properties. Oil pulling involves swishing oil around your mouth for up to 20 minutes every day. The habit might take some getting used to, so build up from a few minutes until you have incorporated it into your morning or night-time routine. If you can’t get used to oil pulling, try an oil pulling mouthwash that has activated charcoal. See more details on TWG.