WeeklyReviewer analyzes hot news

Analysis for hot news on WeeklyReviewer! Stay connected on the trending news. News, politics, health, finances, all major topics are covered by the WeeklyReviewer online news outlet. Let’s see what is going on around the world today…

Saudi Aramco to delay some of PetroChina’s October oil loadings : Saudi Aramco informed PetroChina on Tuesday that some of its loadings of light crude oil for October will be delayed by up to about 10 days after Saturday’s attacks on the kingdom’s oil facilities, according to a senior Chinese state oil source with knowledge of the matter. Taliban militant group claims Afghan blasts, says dozens dead : The Taliban insurgent group claimed responsibility for two blasts which it said killed dozens of people in Afghanistan on Tuesday. See additional news at https://weeklyreviewer.com/.

Another good online newspaper that i like : Honolulu Star-Advertiser: When the Honolulu Star-Advertiser saw an opportunity in the market, it pounced. By creating the Digital Billboard Network last year, it’s now close to “achieving over $1 million in annual incremental revenue,” said Dave Kennedy, chief revenue officer. Last year, its parent company Oahu Publications Inc. set out to create a new profit center and the Star-Advertiser ran with the idea. After some digging, the team realized that with the decline of broadcast media audiences, many advertising clients in the area had insufficient channels to utilize commercials they’d created. So, the Star-Advertiser leveraged that demand and supplied an out-of-home digital broadcast system—the Digital Billboard Network—and now the newspaper is tapping into clientele it normally wouldn’t sell to.

The Atlantic: This is another national treasure, a monthly magazine that presents a view of the nation and world from Washington D.C. It is informed by many top journalists who write long-form features and also write some analysis. The Atlantic web site sometimes hews to clickable headlines. But the magazine and its parent company also subscribe to American journalism principles of fact-based reporting. Politico: Founded by reporters who left the Washington Post in 2006, Politico has built itself into a crucial player in politics reporting in the U.S. (and with expansions to Europe). It does publish some products in print, but Politico is easily accessible on the Internet and mobile devices. Keep an eye on Axios, a news startup launched this year by two founders of Politico. Read more news on Dive Deeper weekly news reviews.

Latest health news : It really is hard to sleep in the ER: Patients who spend the night in the emergency room may get much less rest than patients who sleep in beds in hospital rooms, a small study suggests. 1 in 16 US women forced or coerced into first-time sex: Many American women are physically forced or coerced into having sex for the first time, and a new study suggests these women have a higher risk for developing sexual and general health problems.