Interior design ideas

Bathroom remodeling and house deco guides? If you’re buying an old building, check whether it’s listed, as this will severely limit the changes you can make, plus as a new owner you’re legally liable for rectifying any past illegal works, often at huge expense. Generally, unless you have a bottomless budget, avoid: properties built to a substandard quality, such as some cheaper Victorian terraces built without firebreak party walls in lofts and with worryingly thin single brick rear additions (which cause problems with mortgage lenders), those that have suffered botched alterations such as chimney breasts and internal walls illegally removed without Building Regulations’ consent.

Understanding the costs of what you want in a refreshed bathroom is an important start. But add a financial cushion to cover the hiccups that can happen during big remodels, like the contractor coming across outdated wiring or the plumber discovering faulty plumbing. Build a spreadsheet with a budget breakdown, and try to stick to it throughout the remodeling project, sharing it with contractors as well. Before heading to the home improvement store, buy materials from individuals – People often buy too much tile, paint, etc. for their own projects and sell the extra for discounted prices online.

This is a relatively new trend among buyers and one that you should keep in mind firmly when thinking about ways to increase your home’s value. Bigger is not better anymore. It is how the space functions that matter more now. Open floor plans that have the option of flexible living spaces are the most desirable right now. The two major aspects of your house that you can focus on for this are the attic and the basement. You can remodel them from anywhere in the range of $10,000 to $50,000, depending on your changes. This might seem like a lot, but the ROI that it will provide you by increasing the value of your home is worth it. There will be plenty of buyers lined up once they hear the terms granny flats, flex rooms, and upstairs laundry room. This can increase the value of your home by 5-8%. See more details on next house project.

There’s been quite a bit of buzz about tile in the design world lately. There are more unique options than ever for a sophisticated yet eye-catching backsplash or shower wall. A beautiful tile can complete the look of a room or even function as the main attraction. Here are a few exciting tile trends that may spark some inspiration for your new construction or home makeover.

Consumers actively use the Internet to explore options ahead of time so they can be more efficient when they make their purchase decisions. They comb through your website, your social profiles and your customer reviews. They want to ensure they know enough to ask the right questions and to visit the right store. If a consumer walks through your store doors, she has essentially pre-selected you and not just because of product. Embrace tile, carpet and flooring installation as a true service differentiator. Carpet and flooring aren’t completely sold until they are installed in the consumer’s home. As beautiful as tile is, it’s an abstraction until it becomes a backsplash, a wall or a floor. These products take on meaning after proper installation when customers can enjoy their beauty and usefulness. And, yet, installation usually gets relegated to areas farthest from the selling floor.

The role of the kitchen has evolved significantly since its inception many years ago. While earlier the kitchen was just a place to cook meals, many homeowners now take pride in decorating the kitchen in the latest style and fashion. It has also become a space where you entertain and enjoy yourself. Similar to other rooms in your home a kitchen also requires strategic planning in terms of design and decor to make it an engaging and attractive place to cook. An apt kitchen design is beautiful, functional, and sustainable. Installing durable, functional, and stylish kitchen cabinets can enhance the appearance of the space to a great extent apart from allowing you to keep all the kitchen utilities in an organized manner. Discover extra information on