Meet Nathaniel Handfield and some of his ideas

Nathaniel Handfield or the climb of a celebrity image consultant top professional: The services also involve coaching clients on how to dress for various occasions. Nathaniel helps clients with enclothed cognition, international protocol and how to use nonverbal communication to their advantage. “Style is more than the way you look,” explained Nathaniel. “It’s your personal brand, and your personal business card. It reflects who you are, your attitude, and your personality. The most powerful style is you at your very best.”

Nathaniel Handfield , a native of Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands, quietly marked his fifth anniversary as a designer of exclusive custom-made wardrobes for Britain’s wealthiest and most prominent businessmen. Since 2015, Nathaniel only meets with clients who have first made private appointments, an approach that takes luxury fashion buying to a new level of exclusivity.

Nathaniel Handfield about himself: I am a Custom Clothier, Image consultant and online reputation manager, for celebrities , goverment officials, high HNW individuals and business leaders who work in industries where their image directly affects their success. I create custom made suits and formal wear, provide consulting on traditional british Gentlemen etiquette, how to refine and enhance their professional image, the psychology of suit colors, fine dining etiquette, wardrobe creation, International business etiquette ,first impressions and how to use their refined image to leverage opportunities that will advance their business and network.

Nathaniel Handfield and 2020 celebrity style trends: According to both Scafer and Aiken, it’s time to square up with square-toed shoes. “The clean, geometric shapes make the shoe style modern,” said Aiken. “They beautifully toughen up a feminine dress.” She touted Wandler’s recently launched shoe brand as her new favorite. For Schafer, “minimal sandals are a must. Look for slender straps balanced with a block heel, or square toes for the newest take.” From Michael Kors’ French Polynesia-inspired collection to Chanel’s faux-beachfront catwalk in Paris, we’ve basically been willing beach days our way. With our swimsuit looks in order, next up on our shopping list is accessories and that includes a stylish beach bag.

Marc Jacobs has been exploring hyper-proportions for a couple of seasons now, via the 1980s silhouettes of Claude Montana and Yves Saint Laurent. Grand shapes were back again for Fall, but this time Jacobs was looking in the mirror, rather than at the couturiers of old. His repertoire is full of cloth coats and capes, of shredded tulle party dresses, of A-line skirts and crewnecks, of Prince of Wales pantsuits. Only here, in many cases, they were taken to extremes, the coats and capes pumped up with air, the dresses made more expressive with layers of crinolines. Stephen Jones–designed hats on nearly every model added inches to their stature. Discover extra information at Nathaniel Handfield.

Political recent analysis by Zetpress

Read hot geopolitical analysis? As the United States formally proposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese products, including flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries, China countered with tariffs on $50 billion worth of American goods from states that overwhelmingly voted for President Trump. While advisers to the president initially tried to mitigate concerns over an impending trade war, Mr. Trump doubled down late Thursday by announcing that he would formally consider additional tariffs on $100 billion worth of Chinese products in response to China’s retaliation. The escalating trade conflict may have given the administration additional motivation to move more quickly to resolve the North American Free Trade Agreement — another trade deal the president has consistently attacked.

Or perhaps the Times cannot avoid the reality that the “Abraham Accords” between Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain are a historic achievement. It is the first advance toward peace in the Middle East since Israel signed a treaty with Jordan in 1994. By exposing the intransigence and corruption of the Palestinian authorities, and thereby removing them from the diplomatic equation, the Trump administration reestablished the “peace process” as a negotiation between states. And because the states in the region face a common foe — Iran — they have every incentive to band together. This is textbook realpolitik. The world is better off for it.

US Foreign politics and Brexit 2020 latest : Americans are likely to greet this news with bemused puzzlement. How is all of this not already the case? After all, free trade between the states has been the sine qua non of American nationhood since the ratification of the Constitution in 1787. In fact, the regulation of interstate commerce was the primary role envisioned for Congress by the Founders. Furthermore, trade deals signed by the Federal government have always embraced the whole of the American market. How can a nation-state even exist without these basic building blocks of national sovereignty?

For a decade, the conventional wisdom said that the GOP’s “obstructionism” — by which liberals meant completely legitimate governance that didn’t acquiesce to Obama’s wishes — was going to sink the party. Conventional wisdom was wrong in the elections held during the Obama presidency. It was wrong in 2016. The Garland debate did not sink Republicans, who held the Senate and won the presidency. In fact, one of the central promises the GOP relied on to procure those victories — especially among Evangelical voters — was that they would nominate and confirm originalist justices to the Supreme Court. If Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell end up installing replacements for Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg . . . well, “but Gorsuch,” indeed. Read extra info at

Political strategist George Ajjan about US elections news

The election year of 2020 is uncharted territory for presidential conventions. Usually, the conventions of the Democrats and Republicans are the pillars of the campaign, in which the candidates unveil their main programs to citizens, many of whom do not follow politics closely. Also the running mates are introduced, changing the identity of the race. And the conventions give a chance for activists to unify after divisive primaries. According to political strategist George Ajjan, “Trump’s cancelling of the GOP convention is a setback, as it would have shown a stark contrast with Biden: boldness versus cowardice. At the same time, the subdued, compassionate tone with which he announced his decision to cancel in light of COVID-19 pressures comes from a playbook he should consult more often.”

Republican donors are none too happy about the change. Nearly $40 million was raised by the party’s host committee – an elite set of donors keen to hobnob with key political figures in the party at the convention itself – has been mostly spent. That was because the convention was initially scheduled to take place in Charlotte, North Carolina.

But Trump took the decision to move the convention to Jacksonville, Florida because he felt that North Carolina was demanding too many social distancing restrictions. Trump wanted a convention that looked like a normal one, so that he could show the American people a resilient approach facing the pandemic.

When he moved to festivities to Jacksonville, Florida seemed like a much better choice: a friendly Governor and a state that was untouched by the pandemic. That changed rather quickly over the past month. GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted that the president’s “number one priority in this decision was the safety of the people of Jacksonville, the convention attendees, and all of the American people.”

Another host committee in that city raised another $6 million, most of which seem not to have been spent. Those donors will be keen to see their money spent on specific projects, as big money contributors typically like to earmark their funds for particular political purposes. Hundreds of delegates to the convention may also be irritated at having to alter travel plans, and potentially lose money on bookings already made for the trip.

The debacle of Trump’s Tulsa, Oklahoma rally weighs heavily on his mind, as well as those of his team. The crowd in Tulsa was small but nonetheless seemed to contribute to spreading the novel coronavirus. This further undermined his standing in the eyes of the American people. Current polls show Trump trailing Biden by 12 points, and even more when it comes to who can best manage the pandemic.

After all, this year’s conventions will not be as determining a factor as they had been in previous election cycles. Neither candidate will benefit from the traditional “convention bounce” in polling. It’s more likely that the debates will gain more importance as the American people choose between Trump and Biden in the lead-up to November.


Caps and bags online fashion shopping by BLKVE

BAST Series fashion lines by BLKVE – Blacklove online clothing shopping? In this divisive era, hoodies have become a prevailing unifier across social classes and cultures. Why? Because few pieces are as fun, stylish, and functional as other types of apparel, and this is something that almost every person appreciates. There are several ways you can wear your hoodie. In many parts of the world, people have to deal with the cold weather for months every year. In times of cold, hoodies can be your layer player; you can wear yours under a heavy overcoat and over a pair of blue jeans and winter boots.

The cardigan trend has become so ubiquitous that it’s been reimagined in nearly every material, including classic cotton. From Henleys to full-on T-shirt cardigans, button detailing shows no signs of stopping. From 1980s restaurant merch to tourist tees, kitschy vintage T-shirts are a favorite among the fashion set. While you certainly can’t replace a thrift store gem, brands like Re/Done have mastered the art of the vintage-inspired graphic tee.

Fashion design idea of the day ? Not to be confused with checkered designs which consist of colored blocks repeated in a checkered pattern against another solid color, plaid designs are generally made up of 2-3 colors in a criss-crossing pattern of varying widths. The areas where 2 colors cross each other usually form a gradient (dot pattern) combination of the 2 colors, creating the classic plaid fabric look. Plaid patterns are being incorporated into various shapes, images and text for some cool t shirt design trends. Plaid patterns work especially well for winter holiday and cold weather designs.

We aim to offer our customers a variety of the latest collections from our special collection series, La Douleur Exquise Series and previous Bast Series. By combining our expertise experience in the fashion industry, we want to ensure that you always have access to high-quality products that are also affordable for shoppers. At BLKVE, we believe that fashion is a form of art and a medium of expression. This is why we are focused on providing you with fashion items that promote the idea of freedom of self-expression. Read additional details at La Douleur Exquise Clothing.

But the type of t-shirts you wear define your taste and choice. Design your own t-shirt if you have a particular design in your mind. They show your attitude and personality. Even companies use t-shirts as a branding tool for their businesses. Fashion of nature-inspired t-shirt designs will be huge in 2020 as the influence of nature and environment on designers as well people increase over the years. From big floral prints to natural textures such as furs, this year has brought with itself earthly prints that are refreshing as well as interesting to see. T-shirts having animal-inspired prints such as of dragonfly or butterfly wings will also be right on style! The best part of this trend is that it’s multi-seasonal.

The 60s and 70s retro typography are racing to the shops. T-shirt designs are adorned with hippy colors, designs, and wording in a range of psychedelic fonts that will set you free and throw caution to the wind. Get your groove on with a funky tee that will serve you well at that 2020 festival. For the bold and brave amongst you, now is your chance to stand up and be counted with bold wording design tees this year. The bigger the better. What do you want to say? These design your own or shop-bought tees are saying it for you. Make a statement and go bold in 2020.

Our team works with a sense of purposeful commitment to bring you the world’s most fashionable styles. We have a knack for predicting fashion trends accurately before anyone else in the business. As a result, we ship out hundreds of new arrivals to our clients on a regular basis. We pay attention to our customers and are always seeking innovative ways to improve our services to them. We prioritize the cause of ensuring that our customers always feel confident and included in the world of fashion. We serve anyone who has an affinity for fashion. Regardless of personal style, shape, race, or gender, we’re here to make every person’s fashion dreams come to life.

At BLKVE, we think that fashion is a way of art and a zone of expression. This is why we are focused on providing you with fashion items that promote the idea of freedom of self-expression. We serve anyone who has an affinity for fashion. Regardless of personal style, shape, race, or gender, we’re here to make every person’s fashion dreams come to life. Read more info at this website. Our mission is to revolutionize the fashion industry and make affordable fashion accessible to fashion lovers all over the world.

O Time do Vereador Marcello Siciliano acompanha reforma no Posto de Saúde Hamilton Land na Cidade de Deus

Conheça Marcello Sciliano e algumas de suas ideias? Com ativa atuação parlamentar, já protocolou mais de nove mil ofícios que influenciam de forma benéfica a vida da população carioca. Além disso, criou inúmeros projetos de lei, como a instituição do Patrulhamento Urbano da cidade pela Guarda Municipal- que posteriormente incentivou a criação do Programa Rio + seguro pela Prefeitura-, a regulamentação do trabalho dos mototaxista, a delimitação de área na Lagoa da Barra da Tijuca para a prática de esportes náuticos, entre outros.

Marcelo Sciliano nasceu em 1972 no Rio de Janeiro. Antes de ingressar na vida pública, exerceu função como vendedor no comércio e empreendedor no setor da construção civil. Mas foi com sua incansável atuação nas questões sociais, desempenhando desde 1998 diversos trabalhos em projetos sociais de sucesso, que recebeu a honrosa indicação ao Prêmio Nobel da Paz, no ano de 2010, como reconhecimento por sua responsabilidade solidária.

O Time do Vereador Marcello Siciliano acompanhou hoje, 15/07, a Rio Luz na realização de alguns serviços de manutenção na iluminação pública na Av. Isabel Domingues, Vila Tião, Rua Guaxe e toda extensão da Av. Canal do Anil, na Gardênia Azul, uma solicitação recorrente dos moradores da região. O objetivo é deixar o bairro bem iluminada no período noturno, e ao mesmo tempo levar segurança e qualidade de vida à população.

Os representantes puderam apresentar as demandas ao secretário que, prontamente, se solidarizou com as necessidades e se comprometeu em ajudar essas comunidades da melhor forma possível.

Além da reforma e revitalização do edifício, através de mais um ofício do vereador, aconteceu a instalação de um sinal em frente ao Centro Municipal de Saúde. Assim, os pedestres, que muitas vezes são idosos e deficientes, podem atravessar aquela movimentada rua com tranquilidade e segurança. “Agradeço à Prefeitura do Rio por atender meu ofício e realizar a reforma geral do local, restabelecendo as condições adequadas para um estabelecimento de saúde. Fico muito feliz em poder trazer mais saúde e dignidade para os moradores da Cidade de Deus” comenta Marcello Sciliano.

O vereador Marcello Siciliano, por meio de um vídeo hoje pela manhã, comunicou em primeira mão que o comitê científico da Prefeitura confirmou a reabertura, no dia 10/07, das praias e dos esportes na areia. Essa está sendo uma grande luta para os profissionais do futevôlei e demais esportes de areia, que tiram o seu sustento e amam as nossas praias. “Agradeço à Prefeitura do Rio por se sensibilizar com os profissionais que vivem do esporte na areia. Muitos destes profissionais me procuraram, conseguimos fazer essa solicitação o mais rápido possível e agora teremos a retomada oficial das praias que tanto amamos. Lembrando sempre das regras de ouro e do distanciamento social.” comenta o vereador Marcello Siciliano

A ascensão de um vereador : Marcelo Sciliano

Time do vereador Marcello Siciliano inaugurou um castelo de água potável no alto da Comunidade Vila Cruzeiro? Com ativa atuação parlamentar, já protocolou mais de nove mil ofícios que influenciam de forma benéfica a vida da população carioca. Além disso, criou inúmeros projetos de lei, como a instituição do Patrulhamento Urbano da cidade pela Guarda Municipal- que posteriormente incentivou a criação do Programa Rio + seguro pela Prefeitura-, a regulamentação do trabalho dos mototaxista, a delimitação de área na Lagoa da Barra da Tijuca para a prática de esportes náuticos, entre outros.

Marcelo Sciliano nasceu em 1972 no Rio de Janeiro. Antes de ingressar na vida pública, exerceu função como vendedor no comércio e empreendedor no setor da construção civil. Mas foi com sua incansável atuação nas questões sociais, desempenhando desde 1998 diversos trabalhos em projetos sociais de sucesso, que recebeu a honrosa indicação ao Prêmio Nobel da Paz, no ano de 2010, como reconhecimento por sua responsabilidade solidária.

O time do vereador Marcello Siciliano está acompanhando a equipe da Cedae na obra de implantação da rede de água potável e esgoto na Rua Manhuaçu, Vargem Grande. Era uma reenvidicação antiga dos moradores, que reclamavam há muito tempo da falta de água na região e por meio de ofício do gabinete do vereador Marcello Siciliano e com o apoio do deputado Gustavo Schmidt, as obras de implantação da rede para fornecimento de água potável para a região é uma realidade.

O vereador Marcello Siciliano se reuniu com líderes de diversas comunidades do Rio e o Secretário de Obras, Infraestrutura e Habitação, Sebastião Bruno, na Prefeitura do Rio.

Esta é mais uma ação voltada aos moradores da Cidade de Deus, que recentemente ganharam um novo e moderno tomógrafo, de alta resolução, fundamental no diagnóstico e no tratamento da covid-19, que funciona na UPA do bairro. “Agradeço à Prefeitura do Rio por atender meu ofício e realizar a reforma geral do local, restabelecendo as condições adequadas para um estabelecimento de saúde. Fico muito feliz em poder trazer mais saúde e dignidade para os moradores da Cidade de Deus” comenta Marcelo Sciliano.

O vereador Marcello Siciliano se reúne com moradores da comunidade Santa Luzia em Vargem Pequena para falarem sobre a notificação de desapropriação que receberam da Rio Águas. Moradores da região, que estão a mais de 50 anos no local, receberam uma ordem do Ministério Público de desapropriação das moradias. Durante a semana, o vereador Marcello Siciliano e uma comissão de moradores se reuniram com o Presidente da Rio Águas, Cláudio Dutra, logo em seguida conseguiram também uma conversa com o Secretário de Obras, Infraestrutura e Habitação, Sebastião Bruno, e com o Prefeito, Marcelo Crivella, afim de buscarem uma solução para esta situação preocupante.

A ascensão de um vereador : Marcelo Sciliano

Marcello Siciliano se reúne com líderes de diversas comunidades do Rio e o Secretário Sebastião Bruno? Além de apoiar vários projetos importantes, como a aprovação na câmara do Escola em Tempo Integral. Toda a atuação do Vereador Marcello Siciliano pode ser conferida no menu ATUAÇÃO PARLAMENTAR ou pelo site da Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, através do link Este forte engajamento no exercício do mandato, sempre ao lado do cidadão carioca, ouvindo propostas e reivindicações, credenciou-o como um dos vereadores mais atuantes da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Marcelo Sciliano nasceu em 1972 no Rio de Janeiro. Antes de ingressar na vida pública, exerceu função como vendedor no comércio e empreendedor no setor da construção civil. Mas foi com sua incansável atuação nas questões sociais, desempenhando desde 1998 diversos trabalhos em projetos sociais de sucesso, que recebeu a honrosa indicação ao Prêmio Nobel da Paz, no ano de 2010, como reconhecimento por sua responsabilidade solidária.

O Time do Vereador Marcello Siciliano acompanhou hoje, 15/07, a Rio Luz na realização de alguns serviços de manutenção na iluminação pública na Av. Isabel Domingues, Vila Tião, Rua Guaxe e toda extensão da Av. Canal do Anil, na Gardênia Azul, uma solicitação recorrente dos moradores da região. O objetivo é deixar o bairro bem iluminada no período noturno, e ao mesmo tempo levar segurança e qualidade de vida à população.

A Secretaria de Obras, Infraestrutura e Habitação estará nos próximos dias analisando as demandas e começando o plano estratégico para levar mais dignidade e infraestrutura para as comunidades do Rio. “Não estou medindo esforços para ajudar a cidade do Rio, que tanto depende de serviços da Prefeitura para proporcionar melhor qualidade de vida aos cariocas. Contem comigo sempre, estamos juntos!” diz o vereador Marcello Siciliano

Esta é mais uma ação voltada aos moradores da Cidade de Deus, que recentemente ganharam um novo e moderno tomógrafo, de alta resolução, fundamental no diagnóstico e no tratamento da covid-19, que funciona na UPA do bairro. “Agradeço à Prefeitura do Rio por atender meu ofício e realizar a reforma geral do local, restabelecendo as condições adequadas para um estabelecimento de saúde. Fico muito feliz em poder trazer mais saúde e dignidade para os moradores da Cidade de Deus” comenta Marcelo Sciliano.

O vereador Marcello Siciliano, por meio de um vídeo hoje pela manhã, comunicou em primeira mão que o comitê científico da Prefeitura confirmou a reabertura, no dia 10/07, das praias e dos esportes na areia. Essa está sendo uma grande luta para os profissionais do futevôlei e demais esportes de areia, que tiram o seu sustento e amam as nossas praias. “Agradeço à Prefeitura do Rio por se sensibilizar com os profissionais que vivem do esporte na areia. Muitos destes profissionais me procuraram, conseguimos fazer essa solicitação o mais rápido possível e agora teremos a retomada oficial das praias que tanto amamos. Lembrando sempre das regras de ouro e do distanciamento social.” comenta o vereador Marcello Siciliano

Adrian Goh Guan Kiong guides about volunteering work for charity raising funds

Adrian Goh Guan Kiong stories about volunteering work for the poor? The Boys Brigade is a uniformed youth organization for boys aged 5 and upwards (there’s a different group for girls). Their BB Share-a-Gift Project is held at the end of the year, and aims to reach out to over 40,000 beneficiaries with food hamper deliveries. How You Can Help: You can help by donating food supplies (either in person or online), or personally delivering BBSG food hampers to the doorsteps of those in need all across Singapore during the Christmas season. BBSG is a great opportunity for families to do hands-on charity work and spend quality time together on a meaningful activity, while also getting the unique opportunity to interact face-to-face with beneficiaries (including low-income families and individuals, and vulnerable children in the KIDstart Programme). Volunteers need to drive their own vehicle to help deliver the food hampers.

It can be difficult in finding the right volunteering opportunity to meet your needs, Here Adrian Goh Guan Kiong, who is the best volunteer, gives you some tips that can help both students and professionals make the most of their skills and talents while helping others. Communication is very important for classroom volunteers, who need to be sure that they communicate effectively with the teacher they are working for. As a volunteer, it’s your responsibility to let the teacher know the types of projects you’d prefer to help out with and also get a sense of what the teacher needs the most help with. If you want to get more tips and want to know about volunteers, contact Adrian Goh Guan Kiong who will help you with everything you need.

Adrian Goh Guan Kiong found Christianity and does a lot volunteering work ( for the elderly, the poor, homeless, raising funds) in Myanmar, Indonesia, also in other countries over the past years.

By assigning values for participation and engagement you can encourage staff to collect points. This gives them a tangible report of how much they have accomplished in their volunteering efforts. As the values increase, volunteers could be given statuses (bronze, silver, gold, platinium, etc) to show their ‘seniority’ in the volunteering space. Those with the highest ratings can be celebrated through public mention, small gift or charitable donation in their name.

Willing Hearts has recently launched a Sewing Club for volunteers to sew new clothes, masks, aprons, pants, shirts, pillow cases and more for Willing Hearts beneficiaries! If you have a sewing machine at home and experience in sewing, you can drop them a private message with your name and contact on Facebook Messenger. Materials and equipment will be provided on-site. The Food Bank Singapore strives to collect surplus food and deliver it to organisations and people in need to reduce food wastage and help those less fortunate. The Food Bank Singapore is currently recruiting junior foodbankers aged 5 to 12 who would like to get involved in this great initiative! See extra info on Adrian Goh Guan Kiong.

Élodie D’Ambrosio – Une Passion Précoce pour l’Art

Élodie D'Ambrosio L’animation est un art qui fusionne créativité et technologie pour donner vie à des idées et des histoires. Dans cet univers en constante évolution, Élodie D’Ambrosio se distingue comme une figure émergente dont le travail innovant redéfinit les frontières de l’animation moderne.

Une Passion Précoce pour l’Art

Élodie D’Ambrosio découvre dès son plus jeune âge une passion pour le dessin et le cinéma d’animation. Influencée par les classiques de l’animation française et les productions internationales, elle s’engage dans des études de design graphique avant de se spécialiser en animation. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme à l’École des Gobelins, l’une des institutions les plus prestigieuses dans le domaine de l’animation, Élodie débute sa carrière dans des studios réputés en France et à l’étranger.

Un Style Visuel Distinctif

Ce qui distingue le travail d’Élodie D’Ambrosio est son style visuel unique, qui mêle influences traditionnelles et techniques modernes. Ses créations sont caractérisées par une palette de couleurs vibrantes, des personnages expressifs et une fluidité dans le mouvement qui captivent les spectateurs. Elle utilise des techniques d’animation avec une approche narrative innovante, offrant une expérience visuelle immersive.

Des Réalisations Marquantes

Élodie D’Ambrosio a signé plusieurs courts-métrages remarqués qui ont remporté des prix dans des festivals internationaux. Parmi ses œuvres les plus célèbres, on trouve “Les Rêves de Sophie”, un court-métrage qui explore les thèmes de l’identité et de la découverte de soi à travers les yeux d’une jeune rêveuse. Ce film a été salué pour sa capacité à mélanger réalisme magique et animation surréaliste.

Elle a également travaillé sur des séries télévisées et des projets de long-métrage, où elle a apporté sa touche distinctive à des productions diverses, allant des œuvres pour enfants aux projets plus adultes. Son implication dans des projets internationaux démontre son adaptabilité et sa capacité à collaborer avec des équipes multiculturelles.

Engagement Social et Éducation

Élodie est également engagée dans l’éducation et la promotion de l’animation comme forme d’art accessible à tous. Elle anime régulièrement des ateliers pour les jeunes talents et intervient dans des conférences pour partager son expertise. Son objectif est de démocratiser l’animation et de stimuler la créativité des jeunes générations en leur montrant que l’animation peut être un puissant outil d’expression personnelle et de changement social.

L’Avenir de l’Animation avec Élodie D’Ambrosio

Avec sa vision audacieuse et son talent indéniable, Élodie D’Ambrosio continue de repousser les limites de l’animation. Ses projets futurs promettent d’explorer de nouveaux horizons narratifs et visuels, tout en consolidant sa place en tant qu’innovatrice dans l’industrie. Les amateurs d’animation et les professionnels du secteur attendent avec impatience ses prochaines œuvres, qui continueront probablement à inspirer et à émerveiller.

En somme, Élodie D’Ambrosio est une figure clé de l’animation contemporaine, dont le travail remarquable et l’engagement passionné ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives dans ce domaine en perpétuelle évolution.

Who is Edna Freeman and some of her thoughts

Edna Freeman or the climb of a mental therapist? Edna Freeman is an American mental health advocate and mother who has overcome childhood trauma in her own life and is passionate about ensuring today’s children don’t need to suffer without early intervention. Edna uses her story of overcoming traumatic childhood abuse to show others that they are not alone and that there is no shame in asking for help.

Do you believe that most mental health issues stem from a form of childhood trauma? Some cases are caused by trauma, and some are hereditary. What can parents do to ensure their young child grows up with good mental health? Can a parent accidentally cause trauma without realizing it? A parent can do good to the child by watching them and really listening to them. If your child show signs go talk to a professional as soon as possible and don’t take the first diagnosis. Make sure to talk to a few professionals before accepting any diagnosis. But the most important is to be there for your child.

How do you use cosplay and costuming as a form of therapy for yourself and those you work with? In my case, cosplay is like I express some of the pain hidden inside me. I pick the characters that have a bit similar story as me. I love the costumes and makeup because it makes me a new person, and it gives me the freedom to speak without fear of being judged.

Edna Freeman is a Brazilian survivor of abuse during childhood and adolescence, and currently uses her personal experience to help children and adults who are experiencing this type of situation. She is a mother of two and currently lives in San Francisco, United States, with her family. It is incredible to see the amount of dedication she has to help those who are going through all these problems and need someone who knows how to deal with each particular case. Edna is currently working on setting up her own organization that will help treat children and adolescents who have suffered abuse and trauma.

Politics is a subject that Edna has always been interested in, and after getting her American citizenship, she decided to get very involved in the subject, even running to be one of the representatives of Hillary Clinton. On her journey in the political world, she met a number of influential people in the United States, names like Christine Pelosi, who is a political strategist and the daughter of Nancy Pelosi House Speaker Tim Kaine, Virginia Senator and candidate for vice president at Democratic ticket with Hillary Clinton and California Senator Scott Winner.

In addition to being a model and an actress, Edna Freeman is also a digital influencer. The fame began through his posts on Instagram, and gradually the public was approving the content, ranging from maternity and beauty to travel and lifestyle. In other words, what she considered a distant dream came true. “A lot of good things are coming,” he assured during an exclusive chat with us.