Comment backlink pour seo

How to check number of backlinks in a website by Effective guest blogging requires a multipronged approach. Stay active on social media and don’t neglect your site stats. Readers still need a place to learn more about your brand and purchase your products. As well as reach out to you directly to build that all-important rapport. Successful eLearning marketing calls for a holistic strategy. One that capitalizes on another platform’s establish credibility and allows you to build a name for yourself.

With more and more customers going online, looking for the best products or services near them, they are more likely to engage with the business they searched for within a day. To get maximum visibility, your business should be at the top of the list when someone queries for the product or service you offer. But getting on to the top of local search results is not that easy, especially after Google changed their local pack to the new 3-pack listings, like that of the above image.

Don’t stick with the same set of keywords. Use keyword research and ranking tools to explore new possibilities. I routinely reference SEMrush, Moz, and other sources to discover key phrases that I never considered. Don’t stick with the same set of keywords. Use keyword research and ranking tools such as @moz and @semrush, says @mikeonlinecoach via @cmicontent. #SEO #tools Google may increasingly give an edge to website content that seems trustworthy. You can gain that advantage by having experts offer useful insights in articles and listing their credentials in short bios. The focus on trust stems from the Google 168-page document, Google Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines that cites the value of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T). Google elaborates on those values in the search algorithms section of another report. Read even more details at how to check number of backlinks in a website.

Social Media Marketing (SMM): Simply put, social media marketing refers to the process of using social media platforms to attract traffic and attention. By using social media, you can increase exposure and build meaningful relationships with your customers. While everybody can benefit from SMM as a type of digital marketing, B2C and SaaS companies tend to get the most out of it. Social media marketing is all about listening to what your customers have to say, engaging in the conversation, and sharing valuable content. An example of a tweet from Andy Crestodina of Orbitmedia. Notice how he attracts attention by sharing valuable information (infographic), drives traffic to his website by posting the link and evokes discussion (53 comments!) Together, content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing constitute what is called “inbound marketing”. It is a marketing methodology that aims at attracting, engaging, and delighting leads. Some goals of inbound marketing include attracting users’ attention, driving relevant traffic to the website, and converting it into happy customers.

“This allows you to compete effectively for long-tail searches (which still remains about 70% of all search queries), will help build your site authority and demand for your content, and can be done in a directly ROI positive way,” Enge said. “In addition, this type of approach to content is exactly what Google is looking for to satisfy user needs and represents the type of market investment that Google will likely never make, because Google is about doing things with massively scalable algorithms.” Jesse McDonald, Global SEO Strategist, IBM, and Jessica Levenson, SEO & Content Strategy Consultant, both said 2020 is the time to move away from the obsession with keywords. Stop targeting individual keywords, chasing pageviews, and “spraying and praying” with content.

To gain your target audience, you must contribute to blogs that already have an established flow of traffic. Your contribution to a blog should be relevant to the kind of content you provide on your own site. This helps the audience maintain interest in what you have to say. Building better backlinks will help optimize your success in gaining relevant traffic. Contributing to popular blogs in your niche is a great way to introduce your content to an audience rather than waiting for them to find you. Discover additional information at here.

Acheter followers Instagram à partir de ce site

Acheter abonnés Instagram de cette entreprise Fastagram FR? Non ou pas totalement … cependant imaginez la situation suivante : vous venez de découvrir un artiste sur Instagram, mais le nombre de personnes qui le suivent est de 7. Nous sommes loin par exemple du compte Instagram de Booba avec ses 1,3 Millions d’abonnés. Bref la question que vous vous poserez est “pourquoi devrais-je le suivre si personne d’autre ne le fait ?”. Et maintenant, imaginez : une personne visite votre profil Instagram et découvre que vous avez plus de 1 000 abonnés grâce à… la question est vite répondu … “pourquoi est-ce que je ne le suis pas alors que autant de monde le font ? ” t’aide à acheter des followers Instagram alors Pose toi les bonnes questions jeunes instagrameurs.

L’utilisation de hashtags augmente la portée de l’audience et aide à gagner plus d’adeptes. Il s’agit d’un outil Instagram dynamique car ils attirent plus de clients en permettant à votre contenu d’apparaître dans les résultats de recherche. Les hashtags tendance sont censés changer à la hâte, il est donc nécessaire de parcourir et de mettre à jour votre liste de hashtag. Pour gagner du temps au quotidien, la recherche de hashtag à l’avance est utile. L’ajout de quelques hashtags associables ainsi que des hashtags pertinents est également fructueux pour gagner en reconnaissance. Liz Funk, cofondatrice de And We Evolve, une boutique en ligne et un service de boîte d’abonnement pour les vêtements recyclés, déclare: «Cela prend beaucoup de temps, mais c’est aussi très gratifiant de se faire des amis Instagram qui se transforment souvent en clients.» Instagram peut prendre un certain temps pour trouver un public, mais la patience peut être efficace.

Nous avons complètement révolutionné l’ensemble du processus de paiement et nous sommes fiers de dire que offre les services pour acheter des followers Instagram les meilleurs, les plus rapides et les moins chers sur Internet et en France. Oubliez tous ces sites Web qui vous obligent à remplir des formulaires fastidieux, à valider votre compte et à vérifier votre courrier électronique avant même de passer commande. Acheter des followers Instagram n’a jamais été aussi simple ! Nous faisons tout le travail pour vous ! Des followers Instagram 100% organiques qui ne nuisent pas à votre taux d’engagement. Découvrir additionnel détails à acheter des followers instagram.

Bien sûr ! Nous détestons attendre, et nous sommes sûrs que vous aussi. De plus, nous savons que le meilleur moment pour attirer plus de téléspectateurs est la première mise en ligne de votre vidéo, et notre objectif est de vous aider. Alors on ne vous fera pas attendre. Dès que vous téléchargez votre vidéo sur Instagram, achetez des vues Instagram et nous les livrerons instantanément.

Nous proposons une variété de forfaits différents pour vous offrir le meilleur rapport qualité-prix pour acheter des likes Instagram, acheter des followers Instagram ou acheter des vues Instagram. Si vous avez une commande plus importante ou souhaitez discuter d’un plan personnalisé en fonction de vos besoins, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter ! Lis plus information sur

Top blog for SEO and home tips

High quality blog for marketing and DIY advices? As a guest blogger, another advantage of being active in the community is that you get to receive insightful feedback from other contributors. When you talk about strategies, for example, other experts may tune in to share their own ideas through the comments section. As a result, you can further develop or refine your strategy with their suggestions in mind. To invite contributors to comment, try adding a call-to-action in the conclusion paragraph. You can refer to the end of this post to see how it works.

Local SEO has its own set of best practices. If not implemented in the right way, it will make things difficult and stops your site from performing well in search. For anyone wondering how local SEO differs from normal SEO, the former is all about building relevant signals around a specific location whereas the latter is the practice of getting higher SERP (search engine results pages) rankings for relevant keywords.

Social Media Marketing (SMM): Simply put, social media marketing refers to the process of using social media platforms to attract traffic and attention. By using social media, you can increase exposure and build meaningful relationships with your customers. While everybody can benefit from SMM as a type of digital marketing, B2C and SaaS companies tend to get the most out of it. Social media marketing is all about listening to what your customers have to say, engaging in the conversation, and sharing valuable content. An example of a tweet from Andy Crestodina of Orbitmedia. Notice how he attracts attention by sharing valuable information (infographic), drives traffic to his website by posting the link and evokes discussion (53 comments!) Together, content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing constitute what is called “inbound marketing”. It is a marketing methodology that aims at attracting, engaging, and delighting leads. Some goals of inbound marketing include attracting users’ attention, driving relevant traffic to the website, and converting it into happy customers. Find additional information on answers website.

With the incorporation of BERT this year into the ranking and featured snippets algorithm, Google has taken a huge leap forward into making search really about intent matching rather pure string matching, according to Eli Schwartz, Growth Consultant and Advisor. “Content will truly have to be written to user intent rather than just strings that a user might search,” Schwartz said. “Keyword research tools may even become less relevant with the primary dataset for content creation coming from suggested queries. In 2020, the really smart SEOs will get up from their desks to talk to customers so they can find out what their audience really wants from them.” “There’s no sign of [natural language processing] NLP and deep learning research slowing down anytime soon, and you can expect search engines to shift even further from keywords to intent in 2020,” Dubut said. “Both practitioners and tooling providers will need to shift their efforts towards ‘intent research’ and fulfilling user needs.”

Even if you already have impressive traffic stats, the more, the merrier. Guest blogging allows you to build a stronger online presence and reach the top of the SERPs. You’re no longer centralized on your own platform or social media network. You now have access to the guest posting site’s readership. You also show up more frequently in search engines and stay fresh in netizen’s minds. After all, you seem to pop up everywhere when they look up your eLearning area of expertise. A word of caution: avoid redundant posts that annoy prospects instead of drawing them in. For instance, you discuss the same topic on numerous guest posts instead of approaching the subject matter from different angles.

As they strive to provide the most relevant results, search engines strive to understand the intent behind each query. Last year, Google rolled out BERT, a natural-language-processing algorithm update technically known as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. So far, BERT focuses on searcher intent for one of every 10 English searches in the United States. “BERT models can therefore consider the full context of a word by looking at the words that come before and after it – particularly useful for understanding the intent behind search queries,” writes Google’s Pandu Nayak, vice president of search. “Particularly for longer, more conversational queries, or searches where prepositions like ‘for’ and ‘to’ matter a lot to the meaning, Search will be able to understand the context of the words in your query. You can search in a way that feels natural for you.” See even more details on

B2b marketing trends 2021 by

Affiliate marketing vs dropshipping? According to ComScore, mobile-only internet users exceed desktop-only internet users. Furthermore, as per Hootsuite’s 2020 Q2 updated report, 76% of internet users have stated they have significantly increased their mobile internet usage since January 2020, compared to 45% for laptop computer usages and 32% for desktop computers. This would be even more prevalent while many people are at home in isolation. Having a mobile responsive site is also crucial for Google’s ranking algorithms for advertisers and publishers alike. Usability and speed are becoming more and more important, so for affiliate marketers to stay ahead of the game they will need to ensure their website performs spectacularly, both on desktop and across all mobile platforms. Google launched its mobile-first algorithm last year, really highlighting the importance of the platform and having this mentality.

“Content affects everything in SEO,” Crowe said. “From your site structure and internal linking strategy to the types of links you build.” To succeed in 2020, you will have to write something that is relevant and valuable, said Tony Wright, CEO, WrightIMC. “This means that SEOs need to learn how to write or hire people who know how to write,” Wright said. “Google’s editorial discretion isn’t perfect yet – there will still be content that ranks that shouldn’t. But the day is coming when the best content will win.” Make it your goal to have the best content on the web for your topic, or at least an important subset of your topic, said Eric Enge, General Manager, Perficient Digital. By doing so, you will be future-Google-proofing your business.

Scaleo can process billions of data records and generate any report within a second. Our powerful API offers unlimited ways to expand and improve the current system. You can also export data to your favorite BI tool for further possibilities. Advanced 10+ Targeting Options, With Scaleo you can add up to 10+ advanced targeting rules in order to optimize, reach the right audience, and achieve the best results. Work smarter, not harder. Optimize your traffic sources and monetize every single click with Smart Traffic Redirection. Thanks to Scaleo’s custom notifications and alerts, you can constantly monitor your performance and optimize it in real-time. Grow your business by rewarding partners for bringing in new affiliates to your platform with our Referral program feature. Find even more information on micro niche affiliate marketing.

Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that focuses on creating and distributing content for a target audience. The content aims at being valuable, relevant, and (ideally) consistent. Its ultimate goal is to drive a profitable customer action. The crucial part here is “valuable” and “relevant”. This is what tells content marketing apart from traditional spammy advertising. The target audience should want to seek the content out and consume it. In the broader sense, content marketing is part of every other digital marketing activity, be it social media marketing, SEO, or email marketing. Quality content should be the core of every other marketing activity you pursue. Some examples of content marketing include: blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, white papers, case studies, ebooks.

Local SEO and affiliate marketing advices : What Local SEO Looks Like? A better question will be ‘what will local SEO look like in 2020?’ With almost 50% of searches on Google already having local intent, the importance of local SEO is and will be on the rise in the coming years. So, coming to the key takeaways for local SEO 2020, see the listed points: User engagement will always be the topmost factor in local SEO. The businesses with maximum engagement will be the ones prioritized by Google in its SERPs. With voice search getting familiar with smartphone users, it’s essential that you need to go for real-time keywords. Long-tail keywords and the ones in the form of questions will work! Reviews and ratings are another factor that will play a greater role in influencing local SERP rankings. Discover extra details on affiliate software.

Best tech PR agency London with Trudy Darwin Communications

Best tech PR agency London by Trudy Darwin Communications? This is where two separate, but very important, factors come into play. The first, which requires a professional, is PR. Your company’s PR status is important to the growth and sustainability of your brand and contacting a professional TechPR firm for the launch of your startup can make a dramatic impact at initial launch and through to the first year growth phase.

Best tech PR trends for 2020 – 2021 ? From tracking domain authority scores of backlinks, brand mentions, readership numbers, social shares, to monitoring spikes in your inbound traffic and more, we can understand how our message is received and who it is received by. Then, using that information, we can adjust our PR campaign accordingly.

TDC is thrilled to announce we have been shortlisted for two Global Marketing Awards in 2020 for Best Integrated Campaign and Best Global PR Campaign. The Global Marketing Awards recognize and celebrate the world’s very best marketing agencies and most innovative campaigns across all marketing channels, regardless of where an entrant is located across the seven continents. The awards will feature 36 categories, and winners will be announced virtually on October 15, 2020 in an online celebration of excellence. The judging panel comprises of several stellar marketing experts, many brand side marketers, who know what it takes to shine and succeed in a competitive world. A Global Marketing Award recognizes the best in world class marketing. Read additional information at Best Startup PR Agency.

By working closely with a PR agency that follows these principles, and which offers a journalistic approach to promoting them, CEOs will find that they will raise their profile with a portfolio of published articles. Editors are always glad to hear from people with something pertinent to say, provoking the creation of new thinking or discussions about ideas, trending issues and innovation. So, the process should ideally begin with a brainstorming session and then with the drafting of some article synopses that reveal what the article will be about, while also offering a range of potential sources that could be included in the article to support the thought-leadership arguments of a client.

“Trudy Darwin has re-invigorated our products and business in ways other agencies failed over the years. Her understanding of our complex technologies has allowed us to dominate the press and compete like never before.” “Trudy Darwin has a unique approach and one that has impacted our business. Trudy Darwin sets the expectation and delivers PR directly to your target markets and audience.” “Trudy Darwin and her team understand how to launch brands and engage the media to attract users and investors. We were impressed with the reports and analytics. This is the PR team a startup needs.” Find even more information on Trudy Darwin PR.

If companies want them to get it right, they need to curate/create the content themselves. Creating an online thought leader profile that establishes a CEO or company leader as an industry expert is one basic way to establish industry or company credibility. These profiles can detail things such as areas of expertise, areas of responsibilities, professionally-relevant opinions, education and achievements. It is important that the media sees CEOs as an industry leader if they are to trust them as a vetted source.

Website content planning with content marketing guides by 95visual

Content planning for websites with content marketing recommendations from Pay-per-click is a model of advertising where marketers pay a fee every time people click on their ad. Basically, it’s the process of buying visits to your site, as opposed to getting them organically via SEO or other types of digital marketing. PPC is one of the types of paid search. It’s similar to SEM (search engine marketing) but can also include display advertising (cost-per-click based), and affiliate advertising. Affiliate marketing is one of the popular ways people make money online these days. If your affiliate program is successful, you might earn quite a decent passive income. Basically, affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing where a person partners up with other businesses in order to receive a commission for the traffic s/he generates for this business. Imagine this: you put a link to an external website on your own blog or website. Every time a user proceeds to this external website and makes a purchase, you receive a commission.

Google posts are all about local engagement and having genuine interactions with potential customers in your area. While published Google posts does have a minor impact on ranking factors, the importance is on establishing connections with potential local customers. NAP stands for name, address, and phone number. NAP consistency is having your company’s name, address, and phone number listed the same way across the web, from your website to your directory listings, to your social media profiles and even band mentions. NAP consistency is crucial to getting both users and search engines to identify the correct location of your business.

Letting old or incomplete content sit for years is like getting a pet rock and expecting it to do tricks for your guests(we love the pet rock analogy at 95Visual). Give your website the attention it deserves by keeping pages updated as your business grows and it will serve your customers better as time goes on. This includes making sure contact info, relevant service pages, and the About page are accurate no matter what quarter it is. For those that need new website content and will be writing it themselves, we have some tips for planning it all. Find more info on Web Site Content Planning.

You must be able to cast the net wide to improve conversions and online sales. Prospects might not find you if you only post on your landing page or company site. However, guest blogging enables you to tap into their network and reader base; thus, their audience becomes yours by extension. And they’re already involved in the industry, which means you’re more likely to reach hot prospects. That said, you need to choose a platform that focuses on your niche instead of generalized topics. For example, a platform might restrict content to online training topics and not allow sales copy. Be sure to read the posting guidelines to improve your chances of a successful submission.

What if you were able to reach a larger audience in your niche while also adding credibility to your brand? Contributing to guest blogs is a great way to gain the trust of potential customers, and, by using keyword research from your own content and the help of a guest blog writing service, your site may see unprecedented success. Guest blogging has been a subject of much debate in the world of internet marketing, yet, it is one of the best content marketing strategies that you can cultivate. It can bring awareness to your brand, expand your network, and increase traffic to your business website. Guest blogging is beneficial for both your business and your authority as a writer. It can be a powerful tool if you use it right.

95Visual was established in Los Angeles in 2008. We focus on providing personable, exceptional work with efficiency in mind because your web presence should help your business. Our team has served small businesses local to our establishing area but also focuses on larger clients such as education institutions, unions and enterprise clients to offer this personable service to more industries. Read even more details on this website.

Best free Twitch alert sounds with Overgame

Best free sound alerts for Twitch by Overgame? If you try something in your stream but fail, try something else until it works. That’s what you do with careers. Pokimane is the leading female streamer on Twitch, but that didn’t happen overnight. Persistence and experimentation while staying true to yourself will help you more than trying to be a viral sensation. Kickstarting your stream could take adaptation to try new things and persistence to keep going when your gameplan eventually doesn’t work out. Get creative and stay true to yourself, but make full use of the tools that the internet provides. If you have 0-3 viewers per stream, you have little to lose, so why not try something that could make a big difference.

Other paid options? Audio Micro is a stock music and sound effects library for creative people. The site offers a mixture of stock music, sound effects, and loops packs. It includes 429,110 sound effects from Star Trek, Apocalypse Now, Kill Bill, and more. There is also a library of more than 2,000 free sound effects. As with all these generic sound effects sites, you will need to hunt for your perfect sound, although there is a category of 33 Free Amusement and Game Sound Effects. You can filter your sounds in several ways, including by length, making it simple to find a suitable track for your streaming sound alerts.

Final Hearts : This set is lighter, with a young advertur voice, like Sora for kingdom hearts, hence the name, and a touch of Naruto in there. You can download alerts for free from the Sora Soundboard. Cpt. Steambeard (Pirate): This is an awesome character for your Twitch stream, especially if you are a Sea of Theives fan, the sound alerts fit in perfectly, got some cool quote in there too. Download your pirate Twitch sound alerts FREE from the Pirate Soundboard! Discover more info on Free Twitch alert sounds.

Twitch stream and game of the month ? With a knack for surviving situations that would kill lesser players, Lirik knows how to make PUBG entertaining. He’s a solid player who does well with squads, usually going pretty aggressively through matches, and he’s got a knack for providing funny color commentary to go with his play. Lirik’s a good guy to watch to see some smart team strategies in action, but even when he plays on his own, you’re likely to have some fun watching him. With a goofy wig and a ridiculous mustache, Dr. DisRespect looks more like he’s planning on entering a wrestling match than streaming a video game. But he’s often one of the funnier PUBG streamers, supplying a fair amount of jokes and gimmicks along the way. For instance, after getting knocked out of a duos match, he’ll switch to commentary mode for his surviving teammate, complete with an ESPN-style desk overlay for the stream.

Free to download, sounds are made for Twitch, so all the regular Twitch alerts are captured, New donation/sub/follow etc and with extras for fun. No need to contact to use them! They are FREE TO USE!! All the alerts are all game references; the character accents, the artwork and the names. We called them sound cartridges, because we made them like gameboy cartridges. We have made huge packs that people can buy to support us, but these are totally FREE. See more details on

Lawyer firm marketing services

Solicitors firm marketing services? Pay-per-click is a model of advertising where marketers pay a fee every time people click on their ad. Basically, it’s the process of buying visits to your site, as opposed to getting them organically via SEO or other types of digital marketing. PPC is one of the types of paid search. It’s similar to SEM (search engine marketing) but can also include display advertising (cost-per-click based), and affiliate advertising. Affiliate marketing is one of the popular ways people make money online these days. If your affiliate program is successful, you might earn quite a decent passive income. Basically, affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing where a person partners up with other businesses in order to receive a commission for the traffic s/he generates for this business. Imagine this: you put a link to an external website on your own blog or website. Every time a user proceeds to this external website and makes a purchase, you receive a commission.

When someone comes in and only sees the first 10 seconds of your video, they send a signal to YouTube. YouTube interprets how the audience interacts with your video. A powerful indicator is the average viewing time. As you can see, for me it is 30%. Let’s illustrate with a practical example: Suppose you have a clip displayed 100,000 times. The average display duration is 10 seconds. The second video only exceeded 10,000 views. Here, the average display duration is 50 seconds. The second clip will have priority. It is preferable to make quality video content.

In conclusion we can provide a bespoke service for whatever your business needs. The ultimate law firm website should be intuitive, simple, and visually pleasing. We can provide low cost mock up examples of how you your website could look and are happy to discuss your requirements over coffee. Even if you not looking for a complete overhaul we can improve your current site and ensure you have the highest performing website for your firm. Read additional information at here.

HTTPS makes the pages on your site more secure by encrypting information sent between the visitor and server. It’s been a Google ranking factor since 2014. You can tell if your site is already using HTTPS by checking the loading bar in your browser. If there’s a lock icon before the URL, then you’re good. If not, you need to install an SSL certificate. Lots of web hosts offer these in their packages. If yours doesn’t, you can pick one up for free from LetsEncrypt. The good news is that switching to HTTPS is a one-time job. Once installed, every page on your site should be secure—including those you publish in the future.

Ultimately, you want to be the person everyone looks to for innovation. When there’s a hot topic or dilemma within the industry, and readers need guidance or reassurance, you want to be able to provide it. You want to become a thought leader who’s reliable and respected. Guest blogging steadily builds your following and highlights your level of expertise. Every post shows readers that you understand the niche and don’t hesitate to lay out the facts. You base your content on research, life experience, and past mistakes. Then pass on valuable advice or tips to help others. No strings attached.

So for this tip, you want to be really intentional about the colors you’re selecting to represent the different elements on your website, whether that be the background navigation menu or even the fonts used to read. Remember that complementary colors help create a balanced and visually appealing website. And there are even online tools that are worthwhile checking out, which help in selecting a range of colors that fit into specific, visually appealing color palettes. Additionally, make sure you use contrasting colors for your text and for the background. So that’s really easy for your audience to read the information that you’re presenting to them. And vibrant colors whilst okay in some areas should be used sparingly, perhaps only for buttons and call to actions. Finally, don’t be afraid of negative whitespace. It will give your website a modern and uncluttered look, which is definitely something worth considering when designing a website.

Ben is the MD of Marketing Lawyers and acts as a consultant to a wide range of law firms. Ben is a Law Firm Marketing & Management Consultant, Speaker and Writer. He was previously made one of the youngest directors of a Law Firm in the UK. Alex is the Senior Marketing and Account Manager at Marketing Lawyers. He is currently responsible for account management for the firm and advises law firms on a range of outsourced areas of PR, Social Media, Graphic Design, Digital Marketing and BD tasks. Read more info at here.

Nikole Edwards or the best content creation expert in San Diego

Best content creation expert in San Diego, CA by Social Savvy Marketing and Nikole Edwards? There are no profitable websites without quality content! And Social Savvy Marketing provides quality content. Just about everyone is using their phone to browse the internet these days. And if you really want to tap into the massive opportunities of mobile search, then you really do need to prioritize optimizing your web site so that it looks good on a mobile device. If you are into web development of space, then you are probably already familiar with WordPress and similar content management systems, but for those who aren’t, WordPress is a super awesome, feature-rich and extensible CMS that lets you build mobile responsive websites without having you to write a single line of code.

Nikole Edwards about content marketing : Email marketing is one of the most popular types of digital marketing. To put it shortly, it’s the use of email for promoting one’s products or services. If you go a little deeper, email marketing might also refer to building relationships with your customers. Ideally, emails you send out to your clients should not only speak at them but also encourage meaningful interaction with your brand. Notice how the guys from Buffer start a meaningful conversation by asking their readers’ opinion in their emails. There are many things that contribute to the success of your email marketing strategy, from the content you create to the time you send your emails. One thing is certain, though: email marketing is far from being dead and should definitely be part of your overall digital marketing.

Ultimately, you want to be the person everyone looks to for innovation. When there’s a hot topic or dilemma within the industry, and readers need guidance or reassurance, you want to be able to provide it. You want to become a thought leader who’s reliable and respected. Guest blogging steadily builds your following and highlights your level of expertise. Every post shows readers that you understand the niche and don’t hesitate to lay out the facts. You base your content on research, life experience, and past mistakes. Then pass on valuable advice or tips to help others. No strings attached.

Nikole Edwards on local SEO : Reviews & Ratings: Getting positive reviews and higher ratings benefit your business in local SEO. Local reviews not just boost your company’s local reputation but also brings in potential new consumers. If you take a look at the local SERP, you can see ratings and reviews having their place within the local 3-pack. The quality of reviews is more into impacting your local search rankings.

Nikole Edwards works with companies in a vast array of industries: physicians, entrepreneurs, restaurants, attorneys, fitness facilities, real estate firms, financiers, authors, speakers and more. Our strengths encompass Ghostwriting, Web Design/Development, Copy Writing, Editing, Digital Marketing Strategy, Social Media Campaign Creation and Implementation, Social Media Management, Blogging, Ghostwriting and Brand Promotion/Strategy.

First, it’s important to understand the benefits of guest blogging as a whole, then we’ll get into the specifics of why using a guest blog writing company to help is a good idea. Here are some of the many benefits of guest blogging in general. Guest blogging for sites in your niche is a great networking tactic to use in any content marketing plan. By contributing to niche blogs, you have an opportunity to engage with your audience and collaborate with other authors. Getting active in the community through commenting, sharing, and posting is a great way to build relationships in your niche and attract attention to your own blog.

Nikole is meticulous in her work, and claims she will look over the interview transcripts with the client to find anything she can use to capture their authentic voice in the book. She sees the process as a cooperative effort between the two parties, as such, the end product won’t come as a surprise, but closely resemble what you had in mind from the outset. Nikole offers clients their first consultation for free, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t see if she could be the ghostwriter for your book. See more details on Nikole Edwards.

Meet Abelardo Chahwan and some of his accomplishments

The upsurge of a media influencer : Abelardo Chahwan? As social media evolves, content creators need to adapt to keep new audiences engaged as they scroll through their feeds. The art of innovation has been the key to success for the dynamic duo of social media influencers Abelardo Chahwan (@abelardo) and Isra de Corcho (@isra) who premiered their podcast on YouTube aptly titled: 99%.

How to grow on TikTok? Create your own audios, so that others want to follow your example and use your audio. Try all the styles of Tik Tok, that is, make your own audios, make audio from other content creators, create videos with the hashtags that appear in the search engine, do choreography, do duets, and more. Abelardo and Isra, as their followers know them, have had exponential growth on various social media platforms, and they share their best tips for making viral videos on TikTok!

In the first podcast episode, the no holds barred influencers unleash their ideas and experiences with the “OnlyFans” platform used by many to market racy content that pushes the envelope. Between punch lines and comments that promise to make you crack a smile, Abe and Isra flaunt their comedic timing while a suggestive inflatable doll watches on from the background. This episode is just the tip of the iceberg for the ever entertaining podcast that promises to premiere new episodes every Monday and Friday at 12 noon.

Abelardo Chahwan and Isra, as their followers know them, have experienced exponential growth on various social media platforms, have reinvented themselves over time and have consolidated an international audience that enjoys quality content made for their entertainment, loaded with the charisma that identifies them.

ABELARDO CHAHWAN: Born in Valencia, Venezuela; Abelardo Chahwan is an influencer, comedian and actor who, since 2013, has focused on creating content on social networks based on a light comedy for the Hispanic market, reflecting everyday situations in the Latino community that make each joke reflect on personal situations experienced by the audience.

ISRAEL DE CORCHO: Born in Caracas, Venezuela and raised in Miami; Israel de Corcho is not only a social media sensation, his love for music has led him to be an artist in the urban Pop genre with collaborations with influential artists at the top of their game, which has allowed him to consecrate a loyal following.

On Instagram alone, Abelardo has amassed more than 900,000 followers who, apart from interacting daily with his posts, have encouraged him to create new brands and start new business ventures, as well as leading various altruistic projects, boosting his sense of social responsibility. For his part, Isra brings together almost 700,000 fans who delight in his urban pop music collaborations with influential personalities from the genre. Find even more details on Abelardo Chahwan.