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Sales and marketing and outdoor activities e-Books online store with Spindler E-books? This level of exposure can be helpful in reaching your target audience. Contributing a quality guest post to a popular blog in your niche may get your target audience’s attention and send their traffic in your direction. Social media presence is one of the leading content marketing methods that attract customers to your business. Guest blogging can boost the number of eyes that see your content and help deepen your pool of followers. Often, guest blogging enables you to link to your own social media platforms in your contributed piece. You’ll want to make sure you work closely with your guest blog writing service to ensure your content is shareable and useful to an audience to gain a larger social media following.

Buying a Home Business: There are four ways to buy a business. Buy an existing home business from a home business owner. Buy a franchise home business. Buy a business opportunity. Buy a direct sales business, which can include multi-level marketing. In terms of buying a business, one of the best values and potential profitability is direct sales. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions that prevent some people from considering a home business in direct sales. While there are MLM scams you need to watch out for, you can also avoid them with research. To be a direct sales success, it’s important to pick a company with products you believe in, and also to make sure you have a complete understanding of what’s involved. Avoid making common mistakes, such as not reading the contract or not loving the products.

The good news is, if the future of affiliate marketing follows its pattern to date, it looks set for vast expansion. So far, 2020 has seen some drastic changes to the retail landscape and in some cases, the loss of well-known brands in an uncertain climate. However, it is important that as an industry we are able to evolve and embrace as many changes as possible, in order to sustain growth in the affiliate marketing channel and therefore the wider economy. Consumers are becoming savvier and more used to the concept of affiliate marketing and online partnerships, particularly with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ruling that content creators have to disclose these by law. They are more aware when they read about a product in a blog or email that the author is likely to be getting some form of compensation for the promotion. This has developed into a level of consumer cynicism, which means subscribers are only likely to listen to those they trust. Building trust is going to become even more important to the future of affiliate marketers. Find additional info on Social Marketing e-Books.

Just like the rest of your productive morning routine, self improvement is best when we make it as easy and convenient as possible. This is because the easier it is, the more likely you are to stick with it in the long term and actually build lasting results. One of the most convenient ways I integrate self improvement into my own day is by doing small exercises in the shower. Showers are the perfect time to do your productive morning routine because: You shower every day, which makes them a good reminder, You have the privacy you need They are both relaxing and uplifting. If you are feeling happy and positive about your desires, and you are constantly motivated in your thinking, then you are already applying the Law of Attraction and Manifestation. If you are experiencing or imagining what you desire now, you are obviously happy about it. If you are anxious, worried and unhappy, then at these moments you are using the Law of Attraction in the wrong way. Then you are attracting the things you don’t want in life.

Self education is extremely important if you want to obtain great business success! Don’t forget you’re the leader! So behave as such. Remember all the things that did not suit the boss from the previous job and do not do it! Be an example, a role model for others and make yourself enjoyable. Although sometimes you will have to make decisions that will not please everyone or maybe even employees will disappoint you, opt for a professional attitude and not a severe one. Talk to them calmly and patiently and explain to them what the problems are and what solutions you have. It builds, therefore, a very good relationship with all the staff, to be appreciated and rewarded as such, on a personal level. Once you make the decision to open your own business you will need to invest a great deal of time and energy in its development, so it is very important that you enjoy what you do and find satisfaction in the activity you carry out. See even more info on e-Books for sale.

Reptile pet guides

Reptile care recommendations by Indian star tortoises are one of the most beautiful species around! They are aptly named after the eye-catching pattern on their shell. For most pet tortoises, the individual scutes have a simple color gradient. But that’s not the case with the Indian star tortoise. Each scute has a base color of dark brown or black. Emanating from the center of the scute is bright yellow or tan lines. These lines create a star-like pattern, which is repeated over and over again on several scutes throughout the carapace. It’s a sight to behold and makes identifying these creatures a breeze! Native to arid environments and brush forests throughout India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan, the Indian star tortoise is a big fan of humidity. It requires humidity levels as high as 80 percent throughout the day! To maintain those levels, having plants and absorbent substrate material is recommended. This pet tortoise breed will also need a dish of water to soak.

Fortunately, many pet snakes will accept dead prey. If yours does, consider keeping a separate small freezer for what are delicately called “prey items”. Dead mice and rats of various ages can be purchased in frozen packages through pet supply stores and directly from people who breed “feeder” mice. For health reasons, it is best to keep your snake’s dinner separately from your own foods. Depending on the snake, she might scarf down three or four at one meal, or she might only eat one. You’ll need to keep half a dozen on hand, in any case. Try starting with prey items that are about the same size around the middle as your snake is. If your snake won’t touch dead prey items, try wiggling the meal a bit, to make it move. Also, try putting a piece of fabric over the tank as a “privacy curtain”. Sometimes one or both of those will do the trick. If that fails, you might need to feed your snake live prey. This is more complicated, and not for the faint of heart. You’ll need to watch the snake hunting and killing the larger prey, because it is dangerous to the snake to leave an adult rodent alone with her. The panicked creature could injure the snake with its claws and teeth.

Mexican alligator lizards need a pretty humid environment, and a level of 80 percent is the sweet spot. Humidity levels that stray too far away from that number can lead to serious health complications for Abronia graminea. You have a couple of options for keeping the humidity level so high. You can use a hand mister twice a day, or you can install a special reptile fogger. Having a good substrate and putting plants in the enclosure can help with humidity as well. It might take a little bit of trial and error to find the right setup that keeps things stable (and saves you from misting more than you have to). Mexican alligator lizards will drink the water droplets that form after you mist the enclosure, so you won’t need to create any special kind of watering system for them. That makes them rather low-maintenance in this regard! The only thing you need to consider is ensuring that the water you’re misting the enclosure with is safe. Make sure it’s free of chlorine or other harmful chemicals, and your pet will be just fine. Read additional information on Reptile care guides.

Humidity should be maintained between 35-75% to provide as natural as possible an environment for your bluetongue — this can be achieved by placing a shallow dish of water in the enclosure. Feed your adult bluetongue every two days in warm weather, in colder weather every three days. Remember — if the enclosure temperature is not right your bluetongue may refuse to eat. Bluetongues are omnivores and should be offered a variety of foods such as insects e.g. crickets, worms, snails and slugs. They will eat a range of chopped fruits and vegetables including dandelion, milk thistle, watercress, banana, apple, pawpaw, pear, green beans, carrots, alfafa sprouts, parsley and tomato. In addition, small amounts of moistened dog kibble and canned dog food may be given occasionally. Add a calcium supplement to the food once a week.

Reaching only five to eight inches as an adult, these pet tortoises don’t need a massive enclosure to stay happy. Furthermore, they are not picky when it comes to decor. In the wild, these tortoises are quite widespread and don’t stick to a specific type of environment. As a result, they do just fine in any well-decorated habitat. This species features a tall and steeply curved carapace. The shell features scutes of rich tan and dark black. The arrangement of the scutes mimics the look of Greek mosaics, which is how these tortoises get their common name. As long as you have a natural-looking setup with edible plants, a tortoise-safe substrate, and some hide boxes, they can thrive in captivity. In terms of temperament, the Greek tortoise is pretty mellow. They are peaceful creatures that don’t cause much trouble. The only exception is when they are living in cramped enclosures. These reptiles aren’t very keen on handling, either! See even more info on this website.

Saltwater fish tank mates guides

Best saltwater fish diet guides? Another small fish in our list is a Platy – a small freshwater fish that grows to be only 3 inches. Platies make good companions to other small fishes. They have interesting color patterns that attract many fish breeders. Despite their size, they need to be kept in a big tank, especially if they are kept with other fishes where there is a tendency to be overcrowded. Platies are good jumpers, which means that your tank needs to be covered to keep them from jumping out of the aquarium. They will eat all types of fish food.

A dirty aquarium can threaten the health of fish and other inhabitants. Cleaning the aquarium is not limited to changing the water; cleaning the decorations and walls of the aquarium is also necessary. To do this as correctly as possible, read this article before cleaning. Before cleaning the aquarium, browse the specific literature, or consult a pet store about how often you need to change the water in a freshwater aquarium. Aquarists’ opinions on this matter differ, so we advise you to find several points of view and choose the most suitable for you.

Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus). The platy is another excellent community species and, like the swordtail, they give birth to live young. These fish come in a wide range of colors and they are typically fairly hardy which makes them a good choice for beginners. Black Skirt Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi). These fish have silver bodies with black stripes and black tails – there is also a long-finned variety that is very stunning. Typically very peaceful by nature, these tetras do well in community tanks, especially when kept in schools of 6 or more. Betta Fish/Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens). If you are looking for a single fish to start out with, the betta is a good choice. These fish have long, flowing fins and exhibit a wide variety of colors and patterns. Keep in mind that males of the species will fight, so if you plan to keep bettas in a community tank be sure to select females. Discover even more details on fish pets advices.

As needed, it’s important to clean the glass both inside and outside of the tank. Every couple days, or as needed, you can use a magnetic scrubber or scraper to get algae off of the glass. If the algae is too hard, such as coralline algae on the front glass, you can use a razor blade or hand-held algae scraper to remove hard buildups from the glass. As for the outside of the glass, DO NOT use commercial glass cleaners as it can cause harm to the aquarium. It is best to start by using a damp towel to remove anything from the glass and then use a dry towel to clean off the water. This will keep your glass clean and your reef tank healthy. Over time, the lighting used for reef aquariums shifts in spectrum over time as the bulb declines, which leads to algae growth in your reef aquarium. If you replace all of the bulbs at the same time, assuming there are more than one bulb, you could stress the corals leading to bleaching or die off. How do we handle changing these light bulbs without causing damage? The key is to split the bulbs up and change them throughout the year.

Flatware placement tricks

Flatware placement tips? The proper place setting for an informal or semi-formal occasion is fairly basic and setting it will depend on personal style, the courses you are serving, and what you have to work with for utensils, dishware, and glassware. Informal/semi-formal settings are wonderful for the classic dinner party. They bring just enough of a step up from our everyday settings to make the table feel special, but don’t go so far as to make the event feel too stuffy for a Friday night with friends, or a family holiday setting. Take note that the dessert utensils can either be brought out with dessert or set above the setting during the entire meal. If set for the entire meal the fork is placed so that the handle is pointing toward the left and the spoon sits above the fork with its handle facing to the right.

How to set a table used to be common knowledge, but in today’s fast and busy world, knowing how to set a table properly has become somewhat of a party trick. If you’ve been tasked with hosting a baby shower luncheon, an informal dinner party, or a big Thanksgiving dinner and weren’t taught how to set the table as a child, no worries, we’ve got you covered. Here are detailed instructions on how to set a table properly for three different situations, from casual family dinners to a formal holiday feast. To make it even easier, we’ve included a table setting diagram for each scenario so you can easily visualize where to place each plate, napkin, fork, and knife. Bookmark this page so you can easily reference it as you’re setting the table before the meal—or share the diagrams with your kids and task them with preparing the table for dinner.

The dinner fork is placed closest to the plate. It is usually 7 inches and has four shark prongs. The dinner fork is used for any main course meal and is by far the largest fork on the table. The dinner knife is the first thing closest to the plate on the right side. It is slightly sharp-edged and is about 7 inches. The dinner knife is used for eating any main course dish. The fish knife is an optional choice. Often when there is a fish appetizer served, a fish-based main course dish would also follow. This is an oddly shaped knife, which helps with almost all seafood. The salad knife is a blunt five and a half inch knife that is kept at the right end of all the knives. This is always the first knife to be used. Discover more information at learn more.

One of the most commonly asked questions regarding stainless steel silverware is, “How can I prevent it from rusting?” While this flatware is technically not supposed to rust, pit, or discolor over time, it can happen as a result of improper care. Two crucial things to remember when caring for stainless steel silverware are to never place it in a dishwasher and never allow it to stand with food residue on it for any longer than necessary. Stainless steel silverware should only ever be hand washed in a tub of warm water with a mild detergent product, and then rinsed and thoroughly dried off afterward. This will help ensure that your silverware remains looking as good as new for as long as possible.

Lastly, put the soup spoon after the fish knife, which would be the farthest away from the plate. This makes it convenient for the diner to use the spoon since soup is usually served after the salad. Place a dessert fork and spoon above the plate, with the fork pointing towards the right. Then set a spoon above the fork, pointing towards the left. If you are planning on serving any bread, put a bread plate diagonal to the forks. Do not forget to place a butter knife whose handle is pointing towards the diner’s right hand. Lastly, place a water glass at the top right of the plate, above the table knives. If you are planning on serving wine, you can put the wine glass next to the water glass on the right-hand side. Read more info on

Wellness training professional with

Bucket list training provider? Team Building: Form small groups and give them a task to perform or assign a case study for discussion. When everyone works towards a common goal, it leads to brainstorming and creation and amalgamation of different ideas, which in turn would lead to the implementation of the best possible solution. This helps build communication within the team and promotes healthy debates to address problems and find solutions. Improving the training approach helps build a productive workforce, hence organizations today are implementing effective training strategies with an aim to enhance the skills of their employees and optimize their productivity. Interactive training provides an immersive and engaging learning experience for them. It helps learners retain information and apply them at appropriate situations, and also prepares them for future roles and responsibilities by developing their interpersonal and problem-solving skills. An interactive session makes the training more fun and enjoyable compared to traditional training methods.

It is crucial for all businesses to do whatever they can to stay ahead of the competition, and corporate training can be a great way to do that. The new skills that your employees will learn when going through this training will help you to gain the edge you need to survive in a competitive marketplace. There are many different ways that a business can gain this sort of advantage, but this is definitely one of the more effective options that you will have to choose from. Improving the skills of your staff is one of the best things you can do to make yourself stand out among the other companies in your industry.

The leaders ask each stakeholder to give her a couple of suggestions to improve in these 1-2 areas that he can implement in the next month. The leader compiles all the suggestions from stakeholders, decides to pick 2-3 suggestions, and implements the change during the month. Next month, she goes back to the stakeholders and asks for feedback for her improved behavior during the last month and more suggestions to implement in the coming month. This process continues for the period of the entire year. About every quarter, the stakeholders are given an anonymous survey to rate the leader’s improvement in these 1-2 areas. Although the process seems simple, Marshall Goldsmith’s stakeholder centered coaching is one of the most effective methods of changing the leader’s on-job behavior and stakeholder’s perception of the leader.

Helping executives, professionals and entrepreneurs over 40 become physically, mentally and professionally more fit to step into their greatness. Holistic Coaching Solutions has developed an effective and proven approach to discovering the greatness within individuals, small teams or large organizations. Our most popular programs include Think and Grow Rich 5, Leadership Development Programs, Individualized Coaching, Health Coaching and Motivational Speaking. Our clients benefit from a more insightful business perspective through learning how to focus on your strengths, push your capabilities, and innovate for the future. See even more details on Leadership Consulting.

Clients experience extraordinary insights within a transformational coaching session. It’s crucial for them to ground these insights into practices that move them toward their desired outcomes. They are called practice areas instead of homework or assignments because both of these terms may carry baggage from the past that will create resistance. Through coaching, clients are learning to practice new ways of being, new ways of looking at their lives, new ways of doing things. It takes practice to develop new skills and that’s exactly what a client is doing outside the coaching session. They practice stretching and strengthening conscious awareness of how they are being in the world they create.

Roderick M. Mason is a Certified John Maxwell Speaker Trainer Coach and the founder of Holistic Coaching Solutions – A platform focused on delivering high-end corporate training services. He is a Certified CBMC Leadership Coach, Certified Primal Health Coach, and a Licensed Diversity & Inclusion Trainer. Roderick is an alumnus of Loyola University with a specialization in Marketing and is an avid seeker of knowledge who highly appreciates the notion of continuous improvement and growth. Find extra information at

Professionelle Einzelunterricht Nachhilfe für Deutsch Lernen

Professionell eins zu eins Nachhilfe? Eine private Lernumgebung ohne die potenzielle Unbeholfenheit eines Gesichts sich einem Treffen zu stellen (besonders das erste Treffen kann etwas umständlich sein). Das Betreten des Privathauses eines anderen kann etwas aufschlussreich und umständlich sein. Kein sozialer Druck, da niemand physisch sitzt und alles beobachtet, was die Schüler in Echtzeit tun. Die Schüler sitzen beim Online-Unterricht mehr auf dem Fahrersitz und fühlen sich in einer wirklich entspannten Umgebung stärker befähigt.

Online-Nachhilfe ist von Natur aus praktisch, aber die Anpassung an ein reines Online-Lernformat kann für Schüler, die an die Unterrichtsumgebung gewöhnt sind, schwierig sein. Sobald Sie den besten Online-Tutor für Sie oder die Bedürfnisse Ihres Kindes gefunden haben, ist es wichtig, einen Angriffsplan zu erstellen. Wenn das Programm selbst geführt wird, überprüfen Sie den Lehrplan und legen Sie einen Tages-, Wochen- oder Monatsplan fest. Bestimmen Sie für strukturiertere Programme, wie und wann die Kursarbeit in Verbindung mit Lernen auf dem Campus, außerschulischen Aktivitäten, Beschäftigung und anderen Verpflichtungen abgeschlossen wird. Wenden Sie sich an den Tutor, der mit Ihnen oder Ihrem Kind in Kontakt tritt, um Ratschläge zu erhalten, wie Sie sicherstellen können, dass alle zugewiesenen Kursarbeiten abgeschlossen sind und der Fortschritt des Schülers realisiert wird. Sie suchen einen guten Anbieter für Online-Nachhilfe? Dann ist wahrscheinlich die beste Wahl. Über die Webseite kann man sehr einfach geprüfte Online Nachhilfelehrer für alle Schulfächer buchen. Die erste Nachhilfestunde ist sogar kostenlos. Sehen meht information auf Online-Nachhilfe.

Online-Nachhilfe wird als disruptive Technologie bezeichnet, nicht wegen irgendetwas Negativem, sondern wegen der Art und Weise, wie Bildung auf den Kopf gestellt wird. Wo sich Eltern früher auf überteuerte Bildungszentren stützten, um den Schulunterricht zu ergänzen, als ihre Kinder ins Hintertreffen gerieten, können sie jetzt online jemanden finden, der genau die Eigenschaften aufweist, die ihre Kinder für effektiv halten. Was noch vor wenigen Jahren unbekannt war, ist jetzt jedes Jahr ein Multimillionen-Dollar-Geschäft. Wenn Sie sich einmal die wichtigsten Vorteile von Online-Nachhilfe angesehen haben, ist es nicht schwer zu verstehen, warum.

Wie funktioniert Online-Nachhilfe? Über einen Link, den du per E-Mail erhältst, gelangst du zu dem Videogespräch mit deinem Lehrer. Parallel zum Videogespräch arbeitet ihr auf einer digitalen Tafel, auf der ihr schreiben, zeichnen und abfotografierte Aufgaben bearbeiten könnt. Alle Aufzeichnungen der Nachhilfestunde werden online abgespeichert, sodass du sie jederzeit im Nachhinein nochmal anschauen und wiederholen kannst.

Die Eins-zu-Eins Online Nachhilfe findet in optimaler Video und Audioqualität statt. Zudem garantiert eine interaktive multifunktionsfähige Tafel eine bestmögliche Nachhilfeerfahrung und maximalen Erfolg. Alle unsere Lehrer wurden auf ihre Qualitäten überprüft und haben bereits langjährige Nachhilfeerfahrung. Buche Nachhilfestunden wann und wo du willst.

Unsere Nachhilfe kostet oft weniger als die Hälfte als die eines herkömmlichen Nachhilfeinstituts. Trotzdem garantieren wir professionellen Nachhilfeunterricht von qualifizierten Lehrern. Unsere Online Nachhilfe ist kinderleicht. Du brauchst weder besonderes Zubehör, noch musst du ein Computerspezialist sein. Alles was du für die Nachhilfe brauchst ist ein Computer oder ein Tablet. Was passiert, wenn ich einen Unterrichtstermin absagen muss oder nicht erscheine? Du hast bis zu 24 Stunden vor der Nachhilfestunde die Möglichkeit den Termin zu stornieren. Wenn du ihn stornierst bekommst du innerhalb weniger Werktage den vollen Betrag zurückerstattet. Wenn du zu einem Termin nicht erscheinst oder ihn zu spät stornierst musst du leider den vollen Betrag bezahlen, da der Lehrer sich bereits auf den Termin eingestellt hat und auch bezahlt werden muss. Du musst dir aber keine Sorgen machen, dass du einen Termin vergisst, denn du wirst vor der Nachhilfestunde mehrmals per E-Mail an den Termin erinnert und kannst die Termine sogar automatisch mit deinem Google Kalender verbinden, sodass dieser dich auch noch mal an deine Termine erinnert. Falls du trotzdem nach 5 Minuten nicht zu deinem Termin erschienen bist, ruft dich dein Lehrer auf deiner angegebenen Handynummer an.

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Effective leadership development services? The right talent is always in high demand. Employee turnover is ever increasing, especially with the younger workforce. Building a leadership pipeline and planning for succession is becoming an increasingly important part of talent development. For any company, it is essential to identify critical positions and develop a successor. When a dangerous situation is vacant either because of retirement or attrition, there should be a successor in place. If one employee, in a crucial position in the organization, leaves, the talent management team should have an internal replacement who can take up the higher role. Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Leadership Coaching is a talent development program that helps develop specific behavioral skills for the leaders. It delivers measurable leadership growth for the successor, so they are ready to take up higher positions as and when a need arises.

Changing leaders and teams at the same time : The team as a whole articulates one leadership growth area and each team member defines their own leadership growth area that relates to the team focus. This creates an interdependent team effort with a common focus on producing results for their individual effectiveness and team productivity simultaneously. Create a Team Culture of Openness to continuous change : When team members collaborate as stakeholders in the TEAM coaching programs, it creates an open culture for leadership and team culture change. Furthermore, team members feel comfortable to use feedback and feedforward around the organization to drive change for themselves and their teams.

Imagine that I have concocted a product – a new soft drink – which I think tastes amazing. But is that enough for the success of the product? Probably not! I will test my new drink with a few representative consumers. After all, they are going to buy or choose to ignore my product. I will allow them to sample my drink and give feedback. The question I will ask is whether the drink is good (based on their opinion/perception). The next question will be – what can I do to make it better? Consumers will give their feedback – let’s say it is too sugary, or not enough flavor, etc. I will make some changes to the drink, based on the number of consumers giving that same feedback. Then I will go back to the consumer and ask them to taste the altered drink and give their inputs. This process will be repeated for a few iterations until the overall feedback to the drink is positive.

Most employees feel that they have a lot more skills, capabilities, and talents than they get to use at work. Leadership behaviors determine how employee potential get utilized at work. Under the right leadership style, the same employee can perform much more efficiently and be more engaged at work. Imagine paying a 100% salary to use only 50% of the capabilities and potential of your entire human capital! Throughout our careers, most of us have experienced working under a good leader. In all likeliness, we have also worked under a not so good leader! Recall your personal experience. How was it working under a good leader? How about working under a not so good leader? What were the differences? Discover even more details at

Which is the best leadership development program in India and worldwide? As companies spend immense amounts of money on leadership development programmes, it is crucial to find the best leadership executive programs for your leaders. Is leadership development effective? At some point of time or other CEO’s, boards and talent management professionals have asked these questions to themselves and to external consultants that offer and often claim to have the best leadership development programs.

The unprecedented spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed a variety of things almost overnight! Training programs in general and Leadership training and coaching, in particular, have been affected severely. Prestigious B-schools have had to take their leadership courses online. So have most vendors of leadership courses. Covid-19 pandemic has shifted leadership learning from in-person to online. Online free or paid leadership courses are now a norm are likely to stay that way even after the pandemic may be over.

Our mission is to develop leaders not only across organizations, but across all walks of life. To make the world better by developing better leaders. To consult and never to sell – Advise client what is in client’s best interest We are a team of passionate leadership development professionals who are certified in Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching process. Find even more details at this website.

Best free logo animation online software

Top intro maker website? Keep your brand vibe in mind as you read through the logo design tips, and spend some time thinking about how each logo makes you feel. Based on our research, we know that consumers trust brands who are upfront about who they are and what they do with their logo styles. So I’ve included some of Venngage’s top logo templates. If any feel right you can get started on your design straight away! If you need more inspiration, check out those beautiful company logos from famous brands. A logo is a visual representation of your brand, so why tell people what you do if you could just show them? Use simple icons to communicate who you are.

The best place to steal borrow ideas? Your competition! Check out what’s already out there, what works well with your audience and what you should avoid. While stalking those other businesses, think about what makes them different from you and how you can emphasise these differences in your logo design. Be sure to clearly set yourself apart from your competition. If all the other businesses in your industry are going monochrome, maybe you should opt for some color to stand out. If everyone else is traditional, maybe a fun and modern logo will attract attention.

What is Intro Maker? Intro Maker is an online video maker app or tool to make video intros with your own images or logos for Youtube, Facebook, presentations and more. Lots of motion graphics templates to choose from, all styles of motion graphics and 3D intros, flat, whiteboard animations, hand-drawn animations, particles, explosions, corporate clean intros, news videos, shatters, space and multi-purpose animations. No knowledge is required with Intro Maker, our 3 steps process is fast and easy. Discover even more information on video maker.

Let’s face it, not everyone can bust out a beautiful, hand-drawn script on a whim. Just because you’re a designer doesn’t mean you’re an awesome illustrator or typographer (though it helps). If you fit this description, fear not, there’s nothing preventing you from making awesome logos. In this situation, remember these four powerful words: keep it simple stupid! Simple but powerful logos permeate the business world and always prove to be the best icons for standing the test of time. In considering how to construct one of these types of logos, let’s discuss the Apple logo. The silhouette of an apple is nothing special or memorable: It’s that missing bite that takes it to the next level. It gives the logo character, makes it unique, and drives the meaning deeper (computers and bytes, get it?). Without the bite, the apple is boring, with it, the apple is suddenly iconic. Always think about how you can go that extra mile and turn your boring logos into unmistakable brand marks.

When designing a logo it is important to consider how you plan to use it. A logo created for a website or full color stationery printing will be designed completely different than one designed for imprinting on coffee mugs or t-shirts. Most companies desire to use their logo for more than one application. But aware that the more applications you may use the logo for, the more versions you will need which tend to drive up design costs. In summary, while choosing a logo design consider how you want to use it now and in the future. See additional info on this website.

The ascent of a math expert : Gibran Davis

Meet Gibran Davis and some of his thoughts? Gibran Davis is the director of Stem and Leaf is and his mission is to offer students math enrichment/math remediation coupled with a world full of wonder and inherent tranquility. Our Motto is: Scholars, Nature and Math Stem and Leaf recently received Not for Profit status. We are excited to say we will soon have 501c3 status as well.

Gibran Davis has been a life-long educator for the past 28 years. His experience encompasses an array of constituents. Gibran began his educational career in Harlem, New York working at a Therapeutic Nursery whose Special Education population commanded his attention and brought him to the realization that being an educator was inevitable. After resigning, to expand his experience, Gibran spent the next four years in Brooklyn and Queens working at the elementary school level. Further expanding Gibran’s scope, he accepted a position in Hempstead Long Island where he spent four years. He looped for two terms serving as Lead Teacher in the first and second grades. After receiving tenure Gibran transitioned to the Long Beach Public school system so as to have a more diverse student body within his scope of experience. During his tenure in Long Beach, Gibran served as an Adjunct Professor with C.I.T.E (Center for Teacher Education) and TOURO College teaching various Graduate School courses.

Gibran Davis on match camps benefits : Students will learn life and relationship building skills, such as team work, a sense of community, and an appreciation for nature. Upon request, students will be immersed in a rigorous and robust math curriculum in a challenging yet fun atmosphere. Leave your cell phones, laptops, work email and alarm clocks behind for a magical and unforgettable experience in the great outdoors that will reawaken your inner child. We strive to deliver a unique, enriching and customized camping experience for our adults. We do excursions in The Catskills, Adirondacks and will go as far as Yellowstone, France and beyond. Math learning trips/camps are the opposite of online tutoring. Learn in the nature!

After our hire within a school looking to improve their scores, our 2015 Common Core Assessment scores grew tremendously. In the school year prior to our hire there were only 17 scholars out of 79 who scored the coveted 3 or 4. After our hire 49 out of 114 scholars received this coveted score. That is over 288% growth! This growth transpired with the addition of 35 scholars on the grade. This was of the highest growth within their Network and was an unprecedented amount of growth. This was accomplished through experience, consistency and quality teaching among many obstacles. Since the inception of Stem and Leaf our scores have been equally as impressive throughout. It is Stem and Leaf’s goal to improve math scores all across the city.

Gibran Davis is currently an Academic Specialist in his hometown of Flatbush Brooklyn, where he intends on utilizing his strengths by bringing his wealth of experiences back his nostalgic hometown neighborhood. Gibran is also the Founder and Director of Stem and Leaf Inc. Stem and Leaf is an educational platform who specializes in math enrichment, math remediation and offers scholars a world of wonder and tranquility. His program travels all over the world and offers Outdoor Leadership and camping for a well deserving population. Gibran believes that in a rapidly advancing technological world, mediocrity will not suffice. He wishes to bring all children to the threshold of their own thinking. Discover even more info at Gibran Davis.

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While tutors have traditionally instructed pupils in face-to-face environments, many students now rely on entirely online tutors. We’ll examine a number of web-based tutoring opportunities at all grade levels, along with reviews of the leading providers of online tutorial services. When compared to its traditional counterpart, it’s clear online tutoring has some unique benefits. Most online modules allow students to complete coursework at their own pace – an incredibly convenient perk for anyone with a hectic schedule. And web-based learning indirectly – sometimes directly, depending on the subject – refines computing, word processing, and web-based competencies; all of which will be coveted by future employers.

The Certificate in Bible and Theology equips students to study Scripture and understand Christian theology. Students will graduate from the program with a deep, historic grasp of the Christian faith and the ability to go beyond the surface when interpreting the Bible. This Certificate is for anyone who wants to have a deep understanding of the Bible and Christian theology. A part-time student can complete the Certificate in 4 semesters. The entire program can be completed online, allowing you to participate in the program from anywhere in the world! All credits earned in the Certificate can be applied towards a Master of Arts or Master of Divinity degree at WBS. See extra info on online bible certificate.

The modern classroom has changed in recent years. Teaching methods, technology, subject choices and assessment metrics have all transformed education for the students of today. But one thing remains constant: Learning has always been enhanced by personal, one-to-one support, and students who receive personal tutoring perform better than those who don’t. Online tutoring is an increasingly popular option for students – however many parents still wrestle with the question: “Is an online option right for my child’s learning and my family’s needs?”

Real-time: Using live video technology, students are brought together in a virtual classroom setting at specific class times for lectures and class interactions. Students can participate in any on-campus course via real-time video. Students will be able to watch the professor’s lectures as well as see the other students who are online and in the physical classroom. Online students have the same opportunity to ask questions and engage with the professor as the on-campus students do. See additional details at